释义 |
唾tuòⅠ (唾液) saliva; spittle Ⅱ ❶ (用力吐唾沫) spit ❷ (吐唾沫表示鄙视) spit out; spurn ◆唾骂 spit on and curse; revile; 唾面自干 be spat on the face and let the spittle [saliva] dry without wiping — extreme obsequiousness; drain the cup of humiliation; meekly submit to humiliation; pocket an insult; treat one with great forbearance; turn the other cheek; 唾沫 saliva; spittle; 唾沫纷飞 foam at the mouth; 唾弃 cast aside; spurn; vomit; conspue; infamy; disdain and reject; 唾弃如粪土 throw away like waste matter; 唾手可得 get [win] it with hands down — with extreme ease; accomplish with extreme ease; acquire a thing easily; can get it without the least difficulty; extremely easy to obtain; get ... without lifting a finger; Success would be easy and sure.; within easy reach; 唾腺 glandula; salivalis; salivary gland; sialisterium; 唾血 spitting blood; 唾液 ptysma; saliva; spittle; spit; drool; sialo; 唾余 word of little importance; remarks, opinions of little importance |