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单词 唯唯诺诺

唯唯诺诺唯唯喏喏wěi wěi nuò nuò

agree to everything; be a yes-man; be obsequious; meanly submissive; slavishly servile; be subservient
❍ 因陛下天威莫测,使耿介者缄口不言,怕事者~,而小人则阿谀奉承。皇上左右之人,动不动就称颂陛下天纵英明,明察秋毫,……(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—792) None dare speak the truth for fear of arousing Your Majesty’s wrath,so honest people remain silent and the timid ones agree to everythimg,while the evil ones flatter and praise you for your brilliant leadership and insight.
❍ 我很劝慰了一番; 他却除了~之外,只回答了一句话,是—“多谢你的好意”。(鲁迅《彷徨·孤独者》92) I urged him not to take it so to heart,but apart from grunting noncommittally all he said was: “Thanks for your concern.”/鬼子中队长~的退去。(知侠《铁道游击队》589) Repeating“Yes! Yes! ”the Japanese company leader backed away.
❍ 平日在宫中从来没有一个人敢反驳崇祯的话。他只允许人们在他的面前毕恭毕敬,~。(姚雪垠《李自成》741) No one in the palace ever dared talk back to the emperor,who only allowed people to be humble and servile.


be a yes-man;be subservient

唯唯诺诺wěi wěi nuò nuò

唯唯:谦卑的应答;诺诺:连声应答,表示顺从。形容一味顺从附和,不敢发表任何不同的看法。be a yes-man, be subservient, be sure, with servility





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