释义 |
咸与维新xián yǔ wéi xīnall people are to work for reforms ❍ 这是“~”的时候了,所以他们便谈得投机,立刻成了情投意合的同志,也相约去革命。(《鲁迅选集》上—76) This was a time for all to work for reforms.so they had had a very pleasant talk and became on the spot comrades who saw eye to eye and pledged themselves to become revolutionaries. ❍ 歼厥渠魁,胁从罔治,旧染汗俗,~。(《尚书·胤征》) I will so destroy only the chief criminals,and not punish their forced followers,while those who have long been stained by their filthy manners will be allowed to renovate themselves. ❍ 说是“~”了,我们是不打落水狗的,听凭它们爬上来罢。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—55) They said: “The revolution is for all. We will not heat a dog in the water:let it crawl ashore.” |