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单词 咬紧牙关

咬紧牙关yǎo jǐn yá guān

grit (/clench/grind)one’s teeth; endure with dogged will
❍ 事到如今无路走呵,没法,只有~,低头过日月呵…… (《白毛女》56)Things have gone so far,there’s no help for me,I’ll Just have to bear it and swallow my pride.
❍ 又回过头来,瞪着眼珠子~说: …… (梁斌《红旗谱》188) Then he turned back,glaring,and cried between clenched teeth: …/这时,童少英虽然怏怏不服,很心痛。但又害怕儿子得罪了前辈叔叔会犯法,只好暗中流泪,~不作声。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—39)Though Shaoying was full of bitter resentment against the man,she was afraid that her son might really be charged with some crime,for speaking disrespectfully of his senior so she was forced to conceal her bitter feelings and angrily remain silent.
❍ 黄道周~,不再做声,心中但求速死。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—802) Huang gritted his teeth as the flogging recommenced,only hoping to die quickly.
❍ 他继续讲着,当他讲到敌人的罪恶和人民的苦难时,他胸脯略略向前,~,铁样的下巴微微颤动,炯炯的目光望着战士们。(杜鹏程 《保卫延安》605) When Brigadier Chen spoke of the enemy’s crimes and the suffering of the people,he breathed hard and ground his teeth; his chin trembled and he looked at the men with flashing eyes.


grit (or clench) one’s teeth;bite the bullet;endure with dogged will

咬紧牙关yǎo jǐn yá ɡuān

形容尽最大力量克服困难,坚持下去。clench one’s teeth, with set teeth, set one’s teeth





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:32:56