释义 |
咄咄逼人duō duō bī rénaggressive; arrogant;bluster out threats; bully others; fire-eating; show one’s teeth; grow to menacing dimensions; huff-and puff; overbearing; threatening ❍ 她眼珠子~的盯住郭世富,企图逼使他屈服。(柳青《创业史》68) He looked at Shifu compellingly. He wanted to force him to submit. ❍ 即使在担任民兵队长的那二年里头,他也不是那号伸胳膊踢腿,锋芒毕露,~的角色。(柳青《创业史》99) During his two years as leader of the local militia,he had never strutted or blustered. ❍ 殷有一参军在坐,云:“盲人骑瞎马,夜半临深池。”殷云:“~。”(刘义庆《世说新语·排调》) One of Yin’s aides who was present chimed in: “Blind man astride a sightless horse at midnight brinks the deep abyss.”“Hear! Hear!”cried Yin,“You’re getting too close to home!”/郭振山两只大手互相搓着手上的泥,~地教训说: “小伙子!整整一春天,你可没参加一回党的会啊!” (柳青《创业史》537)Zhenshan rubbed the mud off his big hands. “You haven’t attended a single Party meeting all this spring,young fellow,” he said with an overbearing air. 咄咄逼人provocative;aggressive;arrogant;overbearing 近年来两国关系的矛盾和摩擦无一不是B方首先挑起的,可以说是~。All the problems and disputes in A-B relations in recent years have been provoked by the B side.In fact,B has been quite provocative. 咄咄逼人duō duō bī rén咄咄:使人惊惧的声音。原指说话伤人,令人难以忍受;现多形容正气或气势逼人,使人感到有压力;也形容形势发展很快,促使人们努力赶上。aggressive, overbearing, threatening, show one’s teeth, arrogant, fire-eating, huff-and-puff, insolent, truculent |