释义 |
味同嚼蜡味如嚼蜡wèi tóng jué làit is like chewing wax—insipid; tasteless ❍ 宋人多数不懂诗是要用形象思维的,一反唐人规律,所以~。(毛泽东《给陈毅同志谈诗的一封信》) Most Song poets did not understand that poetry must convey ideas by means of images,and they disregarded the tradition of Tang poetry,with the result that what they wrote was quite flat. ❍ 人生富贵功名,是身外之物;但世人一见了功名,便舍着性命去求他,及至到手之后,~。(《儒林外史》1) Inhuman life riches,rank,success and fame are external things.Men will risk their lives in the search for them; yet once they have them within their grasp,the taste is no better than chewed tallow. 味同嚼蜡wei tong jiao lalike chewing tallow or wax—(of a composition or speech) boring 味同嚼蜡like chewing tallow or wax;as dry as dust;dull;insipid |