释义 |
味wèiⅠ ❶ (味道) taste; flavour: 甜 ~ 儿 a sweet taste; 滋 ~ flavour; taste; 鲜 ~ a delicate flavour ❷ (气味) smell; odour; savour: 香 ~ 儿 sweet smell; aroma; fragrance; 他身上有股大蒜 ~。 He stank [smelled] of garlic. ❸ (意味; 趣味) significance; interest: 兴 ~ 盎然 with keen interest; 语言无 ~ insipid language; colourless language; 文笔艰涩无 ~。 The style is difficult and dull. Ⅱ (辨别味道) distinguish [sample] the flavour of: 体 ~ appreciate; savour; 回 ~ ponder over; 玩 ~ ponder; ruminate; 细 ~ 其言 ponder sb.'s words Ⅲ (中药配方,prescription): 六 ~ 药的方子 a prescription of six medicinal herbs ◆味道 taste; flavour; interest; 味精 aginomoto; ajinomoto; monosodium glutamate; gourmet powder; 味觉 taste sense; gustatory sense; gustation; -geusia; 味盲 taste blindness; 味素 gourmet powder; monosodium glutamate; 味酸如醋 sour as vinegar; 味同鸡肋 Though it is insipid, yet one loathes to part with it.; The taste is no better than chicken ribs.; 味同嚼腊 The taste is no better than chewed tallow.; be as dry as dust; It is like chewing wax-insipid; tasteless like chewing a candle [wax]; (What they wrote) was quite flat.; It tastes no better than tallow.; 味腺 gustatory glands; Ebner's |