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[书] (停滞;不活动) stagnate
另见 see also dāi。
◆呆板 stiff;inflexible;rigid;stereotyped;boring;dull


❶ (头脑迟钝;不灵敏) slow-witted;dull:~ 头 ~ 脑 dull-looking
❷ (脸上表情死板;发愣) blank;wooden:~ ~ 地望着 stare at sth. blankly;
吓得发 ~ be stupefied;be scared stiff;be dumbstruck;
突如其来的消息把我吓 ~ 了。 The news was so unexpected that I caught my breath from shock. Ⅱ (停留) stay:~ 在城里 stay in town;
你不能 ~ 过星期天再走吗? Can't you stay over Sunday? 医生劝我在家里 ~ 几天。 The doctor advised me to stay in for a few days.
另见 see also ái。
◆呆若木鸡 dumb as a wooden chicken;as dumb as a piece of wood;as motionless as a wooden image;be insensate like a wooden chicken;be paralyzed with fear;be rooted to the spot;dumbstruck;dumbfounded;petrified;rivet [root] to the ground [spot];remain in a state of stupefaction;spaced-out;stand (motionless) like a statue;stand like a log;stand still like a piece of wood;stand transfixed [stockstill] like a back of wood;transfixed (with fear or amazement);
呆头呆脑 idiotic;be a bit weak in the head;stupid;pudding-headed;muddle- headed;stupid-looking;idiotic-looking;
呆小症 {医} cretinism;
呆帐 bad debts;
呆滞 dull;inert;lifeless;dull;sluggish;stagnant;slack;idle;
呆子 idiot;simpleton;block head





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