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单词 听其言而观其行

听其言而观其行tīng qí yán ér guān qí xíng

hearsb’s words and look at his conduct; listen to what a man says and see how he acts (/what he does); judge people by their deeds,not just by their words
❍ 今吾于人也,~。(《论语·公冶长》) Now my way is to hear their words,and look at their conduct.

听其言而观其行ting qi yan er guan qi xing

listen to what a person says and watch what he does

听其言而观其行tīnɡ qí yán ér ɡuān qí xínɡ

听了他的话,还要观察他的行动。指看人是否言行一致。judge people by their deeds, not just by their words; judging their words by their deeds





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:24:43