释义 |
听(聽);[聼]tīnɡ ❶ (用耳朵接受声音) hear; listen: 去 ~ 音乐会 go to hear a concert; ~ 不清楚 can not hear clearly; ~ 新闻广播 listen to the news programme; 兼 ~ 则明, 偏信则暗。 Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened, heed only one side and you will be benighted. 我 ~ 了好一会儿, 可什么也没 ~ 见。 I listened for quite a while, but heard nothing. ❷ (听从; 接受) obey; accept; heed: 言 ~ 计从 always follow sb.'s advice; 虚心 ~ 取批评意见 accept criticism with an open mind; listen attentively to the criticism; ~ 党的话。 Do as the Party says. 他对批评 ~ 不进去。 He turned a deaf ear to criticism. ❸ (治理; 判断) supervise; administer; judge: ~ 政 supervise government; administer affairs of state; ~ 讼 try a case; administer justice ❹ (听凭; 任凭) let be; allow: ~ 其自然 let it take its own course; ~ 任摆布 allow oneself to be ordered about; ~ 他的便吧。 Let him be. Ⅱ [方] (听子) tin; can: 一 ~ 香烟 a tin of cigarettes; 一 ~ 肉 a can of meat ◆听便 as one pleases; please yourself; 听不进 close one's ears; 听差 foot man; gofer; gopher; [旧] manservant; office attendant; 听差遣 fetch and carry; 听齿 dens auditus; dens acustici; 听从 obey; heed; comply with; 听从指挥 submit oneself to someone's direction [command]; 听到 listen in; meet the ear; hear; notice; 听道 acoustic duct; auditory meatus; auditory canal; 听得出神 listen with an open mouth; be completely absorbed; 听懂 understand; take; 听而不闻 listen but not hear; hear but not understand; hear but pay no attention; turn a deaf ear to; 听风就是雨 speak or act on hearsay; chime in with others; 听骨 otosteon; ear bones; auditory ossicle; 听候 wait for; pending; 听候吩咐 be at someone's service; 听话 heed what an elder or superior says; be obedient; behave; tractable; biddable; 听话儿 wait for a reply; 听话听声, 锣鼓听音 When you listen to someone's talk, you must judge by his tone.; When you listen to drums and gongs, you must catch the rhythm.; The words are the criterion of the man.; The words are the mirror of one's mind.; 听话听音 listen for the meaning behind sb.'s words; When you listen, listen to the speaker's tone of voice.; 听话线 listening-in line; 听见 hear; 听见风就是雨 Whenever one hears the wind, he thinks it is raining.; catch at shadows; 听讲 listen to a talk; attend a lecture; 听觉 auditory sense; sense of hearing; audition; hearing; 听觉语音学 auditory phonetics; 听课 attend a lecture; sit in on a class; listen to the teacher in class; visit a class; visit classroom; 听力 hearing; aural comprehension (in language teaching); 听力学 audiology; 听命 take orders from; be at sb.'s command; 听命于人 be at sb.'s service; be at sb.'s beck and call; dance to [after] one's pipe [whistle]; 听腻了 bored with listening to; 听凭 allow; let; 听凭处理 put (oneself) into sb.'s hands; 听其言, 观其行 listen to what one says and look at [watch] what one does; judge people by their deeds, not just by their words; listen to a person's words and watch his deeds; 听其自便 consult one's pleasure; leave sth. to sb.'s convenience; let sb. act according to his convenience; 听其自流 let things drift along; let people act freely without leadership; let it have its swing; 听其自然 leave the matter as it is; chance the consequence; concede to the nature of things; laissez-faire; leave (things) to chance; leave matters to develop themselves; let it go at that; Let nature take its own course.; let things go hang; let things rip; let things slide; let things [matters] take their (own) course; Let things take their natural course.; let the world wag (as it will); take the world as it is [as one finds it]; 听起来 sound; ring; 听取 listen to; 听人摆布 allow oneself to be ordered about by others; be led by the nose by others; be placing oneself unreservedly in someone's power; submit to the manipulations of sb.; under the dictate of others; 听人穿鼻 disposed of by others like an animal; be at the mercy of others; 听人支配 resign oneself to another's control; 听任 allow; let; leave free; 听任摆布 be at sb.'s disposal; leave free; let alone; submit to any arrangement others have made for oneself; wax in sb.'s hands; 听任宰割 place oneself at the mercy of ...; 听任自便 consult [act according to] one's own convenience; 听审 oyer; 听事 [书] (of a monarch or regent) hold court; administer affairs of state (of a government office); 听说 be told; hear of; 听说法 the audiolingual method; the auraloral method; 听天安命 accept the situation; 听天由命 resign oneself to one's fate; abide one's destiny; be at the mercy of nature; be left to God's mercy; be resigned to one's fate; bow to fate; fatalistic; leave things to chance; let fate have its way; let fate take its course; meet one's fate with resignation; obey the will of Heaven; put the matter into the hands of Fate; resign oneself to Heaven's will; submit to Providence; submit to the will of God; submit to the will of Heaven; trust to luck; wait for one's fate; 听筒 telephone receiver; receiver; headphone; earphone; {医} stethoscope; 听闻 [书] hear; what one hears; 听息 sensing one's own breathing — a method to become still mentally in qigong dirigatio; 听戏 go to the opera; 听写 dictation; 听信 wait for information; believe; believe what one hears; 听信谗言 lend a ready ear to slander; hear and believe slanders; 听信谣言 listen to and believe rumors [groundless allegations]; 听诊(法) auscultation; 听诊器 stethophone; stethoscope; echometer; echoscope; 听政 (of a monarch or regent) hold court; administer affairs of state; 听知觉 auditory perception; 听之任之 allow someone to continue ...; allow sth. go unchecked; let matters drift; let one have (entirely) one's own way; let things go hang; take a laissez-faire attitude; 听众 audience; listeners; 听装 tinned; canned; 听子 [方] tin; can |