释义 |
含辛茹苦茹苦含辛hán xīn rú kǔbear suffering;drink a bitter cup: endure all kinds of hardships; put up with hardships; taste (all) the bitterness ❍ 我们不少人就是在那种暗无天日的岁月中,颠沛流离,~地度过了大半生。(郭沫若《科学的春天》)Those were days of darknes,when many of us spent most of our lives wandering from place to place enduring all kinds of hardships. ❍ 这个旧社会茹苦含辛过来的老窑工,眼看着解放后的矿山象逢春的枯木,发芽、开花,心里真感到无限的幸福和自豪。Having tasted all the bitterness of the old society,it filled the miner with happiness and pride to see this mining region blossom out after Liberation like a withered tree reviving in spring. 含辛茹苦茹苦含辛hán xīn rú kǔ茹:吃。忍受各种辛苦。endure all kinds of hardships, bear hardships, drink a bitter cup |