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单词 含血喷人

含血喷人hán xuè pēn rén

make scurrilous (/vicious) attacks; make false (/slanderous)accusations against; sheer venomous mud-slinging;throw mud at
❍ 天在头上!你平白地~!自己做事不机密,却想把官司推在我身上! (吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》251) Heavens above! You dare to implicate others!Without blaming yourself for acting imprudently,you dare to pass the buck to me?/当这时会,我也就是证人,而并未实见的徐懋庸,对于本身在场的我,竟可以如此信口胡说,~,这真可谓横暴恣肆,达于极点了。(鲁迅《答徐懋庸并关于抗日统一战线问题》) I witnessed those occasions,yet Xu Maoyong who never saw us together has the effrontery to make such vicious attacks to me,an eye-witness. This is surely carrying despotism to its limits.
❍ 小梅气得浑身哆嗦,眼泪倒没有了,颤着声音说:“张金龙,你……你……~!……”(袁静《新儿女英雄传》96) Mei was so angry that her whole body trembled. She burst into tears. “Jinlong,” she sobbed,“You—you—spit blood on me!…”/所以~,已成了中国士君子的常经,实在不单是他们的识见,只能够见到世上一切都靠金钱的势力。(鲁迅《二心集》序言)Indeed,spitting poison has become second nature among Chinese gentlemen and scholars,but it does not simply show their acumen; it demonstrates that money is the driving force in this world.


make slanderous (or vicious)accusations against sb;throw dirt at sb

含血喷人hán xuè pēn rén

嘴里含着血喷在他人身上。比喻捏造事实,恶毒地攻击和污蔑陷害他人。make slanderous accusations, make vicious attacks, fling mud at





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