释义 |
含hán ❶ (东西放在嘴里,不咽下也不吐出) keep in the mouth: ~ 着润喉片 have a throat tablet in the mouth; 此丸宜~服。This pill is to be sucked,not swallowed. ❷ (藏在里面;包含) contain: ~ 多种矿物 contain several kinds of minerals;~ 泪 with tears in one's eyes;~ 硫污水 sulphur-bearing waste water; 它里面 ~ 维生素A和维生素C。 It contains vitamin A and vitamin C. 这种梨 ~ 的水分很多。 These pears are very juicy. ❸ (带有某种意思、情感等,不完全表露出来) nurse;cherish;harbour: ~ 恨 nurse one's hatred; 她脸上 ~ 有一丝怒容。 Her face held a suggestion of anger. ◆含苞 [书] in bud; 含苞待放 in early puberty;yet a virgin;The buds are getting ready to burst.;just budding,not yet open;be in bud; 含苞未放 the budding blossoms waiting to burst forth;just budding,not yet opened; 含悲悲歌 sing a plaintive song; 含悲饮泣 sob pitifully; 含哺鼓腹 feed food and fill the stomach to the full — a scene of light heartedness of the people in times of peace;with food in the mouth and belly well-filled; 含尘量 dustiness;dust load; 含粉磁带 magnetic powder-impregnated tape; 含垢忍辱 endure contempt and insult(s);be patient under obloquy;bear disgrace and insults with patience;bear insult and obloquy patiently;bear shame and humiliation;bear slanders and insults patiently;eat dirt [humble pie];meekly to swallow every insult;passively to accept insults and humiliations;silently to endure all the disgrace and humiliations;swallow insults and humiliations; 含垢贪生 allow oneself to be insulted in order to remain alive; 含含糊糊 ambiguous;vague; 含毫吮墨 moisten the tip of the writing brush with one's lips;pause to think when writing; 含恨长逝 die unavenged; 含恨在心 cherish resentment in the heart;harbour hatred against sb.;nurse a hatred; 含恨终天 die with a deep regret; 含糊 ambiguous;vague;careless;perfunctory; 含糊不明 muddled and unclear; 含糊不清 tergiversation;ambiguous and vague;imprecise;unclear;indeterminacy; 含糊答应 mutter a vague assent; 含糊了事 settle a case in a muddling manner;finish a job carelessly; 含糊其词[辞 talk ambiguously;ambiguous;be dubious;boggle;equivocal;equivocation;gloss things over;in vague terms;mention vaguely;mince matters;mince one's words;obscure;shuffle;slur over;uncertain;waffle;weasel word; 含糊图 ambiguity diagram; 含灰空气 ash air; 含混 indistinct;ambiguous;vague; 含蜡油 wax-bearing oil; 含泪 with tears in one's eyes; 含量 content; 含蓼问疾 console the people with deep concern;ask after the people's sufferings with deep concern; 含硫量 sulphur content; 含煤区 coal-bearing region; 含煤页岩 trub; 含怒 in anger; 含怒不言 hold one's tongue sulkily; 含片 lozenge; 含气层 gas bearing; 含泣吞声 choke down one's tears; 含铅玻璃 flint glass; 含铅量 lead tolerance; 含情脉脉 (soft eyes) exuding tenderness and love;cherish a deep feeling,but be unable to express it;(said of young girls in love) full of silently conveyed tenderness;full of tender affection;languishing;very much enamored;with loving eyes; 含热量 heat content; 含容巽顺 forbearing and retiring; 含辱求生 allow oneself to be insulted in order to remain alive; 含辱忍苦 eat [swallow] the leek; 含辱偷生 swallow the shame and save one's skin; 含砂[沙]量 sand-carrying capacity;silt content; 含沙射影 hold sand in the mouth and shoot it at a shadow — injury to men inflicted by evil persons;attack by innuendo;attack by insinuation;express one's hidden sentiments and feelings by means of gentle allusions and ambiguous phrases;hurt others maliciously;incriminate sb.;insinuate;make insinuations [oblique charges];name the lime tree and really mean the acacia — hidden allusions and innuendoes;One means right when one says left.;spit groundless rumours;spit sand on a shadow — make innuendoes talk at sb.;use the underhanded method of insinuation; 含漱剂 {药} collutorium;gargle; 含水 containing water;containing moisture; 含水层 {地质} aquiclude;water-bearing stratum;aquifer; 含水量 {力} moisture content;water content;primage; 含糖植物 sugar plant; 含桃 cherry apple; 含笑 wearing a smile;with a smile;smilingly;grin;have a smile on one's face; 含笑花 Michelia figo; 含笑九泉 smile in the underworld — one has nothing to regret in life;die with satisfaction;One would sink happily into the nether world.;sing Nunc Dimittis;smile in the underground;smile in one's grave; 含辛茹苦 bear bitter hardships;drink a bitter cup;endure all kinds of hardships;endure suffering;put up with hardships;suffer untold hardship;undergo all sorts of hardships and deprivations; 含羞 with a shy look;bashfully;shy; 含羞草 Mimosa pudica;sensitive plant;mimose; 含蓄 contain;embody;implicit;veiled; 含蓄不露 containing much but revealing little; 含血喷人 make slanderous charges [accusations] against others;cast [utter] malicious words to injure sb.;do sb. wrong;do wrong to sb.;make scurrilous [ricious] attacks;put sb. in the wrong;slur sb's good name;throw dirt [mud] at sb.;venomously slander; 含盐度 brinishness; 含盐量 saltness; 含盐土壤 salty soil; 含眼终天 die unavenged; 含氧量 oxygen content; 含饴弄孙 mouth malt sugar and dally with one's grandson — an old man enjoys life with no cares;a life of leisure in old age;hold candy in mouth and play with grandchild;keep maltose in the mouth and play with grandsons;lead a carefree life in one's old age; 含义 meaning;implication;sense;import;message; 含义深长 say with a deep implication;imply deep-going meanings;significant;meaningful; 含英咀华 study and relish the beauties of literature;(of writing) containing the cream of the literary tradition;enjoy the beauty of words;relish the joys of literature; 含铀煤 uraniferous coal; 含油层 {地质} oil-bearing formation;tryphine; 含油带 oil belt;oil zone; 含油废水 oily waste water; 含油量 oil content;oleaginousness; 含有 contain;have;import; 含冤 suffer a wrong;be the victim of a false or unjust charge; 含冤负屈 suffer an unjust grievance;be wronged on a false charge;cherish grievance and bear injustice;suffer an iniquitous wrong; 含冤莫白 suffer a grievous wrong with no hope of vengeance;A wrong has not been set right.;be falsely accused and condemned;bear an injury with no hope of being revenged;suffer unjust accusations;To nobody could one tell one's grievance.;unable to redress a wrong;with no chance to clear one's name; 含冤去世 die uncleared of a false charge;die with regret;die with one's name uncleared; 含冤吞声 suffer [bear] injustice patiently without protest; 含冤终天 die with one's name uncleared; 含怨 bear [carry] a grudge;nurse a grievance; 含怨忍辱 passively accept insults and humiliations; 含怨受屈 be accused falsely; 含着骨头露着肉 with the bone in the mouth but the meat still visible — beat about the bush;hesitate in speech;speak with reservation; 含着眼泪 have tears in one's eyes;in tears;with tears in one's eyes |