释义 |
君jūnⅠ ❶ (君主) monarch;sovereign;supreme ruler: 国 ~ monarch ❷ [书] (对人的尊称) gentleman;Mr.: 张刘二 ~ Messrs. Zhang and Liu; 诸 ~ gentlemen ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 畴 Jun Chou Ⅱ [书] (对对方的尊称) you;sir: 祝 ~ 晚安。 Good night,sir. ~ 问归期未有期,巴山夜雨涨秋池。 You ask me when I can come back but I don't know,/ The pools in western hills with autumn rain o'erflow. ◆君君,臣臣,父父,子子 Let the king be a king,the minister (be) a minister,the father a father and the son a son.; 君迁子 {植} Diospyros lotus;{中药} the fruit of date plum; 君权 monarchical power; 君辱臣死 When the prince is put to shame,the minister dies.; 君使臣以礼,臣事君以忠 A prince should employ his ministers according to propriety and ministers should serve their prince with loyalty.; 君王发狂,百姓遭殃 Kings go mad,and the people suffer for it.; 君无戏言 The king's words are to be taken seriously.; 君主 monarch;sovereign; 君主立宪 constitutional monarchy; 君子 a man of noble character;gentleman; 君子不念旧恶 A gentleman does not bear grudges.; 君子国 the (imaginary) land of the virtuous; 君子好逑 a gentleman's good mate; 君子和而不同 A gentleman gets along with others,but does not necessarily agree with them.; 君子怀德 A princely man is fond of virtues.; 君子绝交不计仇 A good man terminates a friendship without rancour.; 君子兰 {植} kaffir lily; 君子坦荡荡 A gentleman is open and poised.; 君子协定 a gentleman's agreement; 君子一言,快马一鞭 A word spoken is past recalling.;A word spoken [A word once said] can never be taken back.;A word spoken goes faster than a swift horse.;A word from the princely man is a sufficient incentive for action.;A gentleman never goes back on his word.; 君子忧道不忧贫 You are not acting for your interests.;You are acting against your own interests.; 君子在德不在衣 It's not the gay coat that makes the gentleman.; 君子贞而不谅 A gentleman is firm,but not stubborn.; 君子之交淡如水 A hedge between keeps friendship green.;Friends agree best at a distance.;The friendship between gentlemen appears indifferent but is pure like water.; 君子之泽,五世而斩 The good influence of men of virtue will not last more than five generations.; 君子自重 A gentleman takes care of himself.;Decency forbids. |