单词 | lead |
释义 | lead1/led/ n (1)铅(soft,heavy,grayish metal)[U]:We must remove~from petrol because it is poisonous. 我们必须去除汽油中的铅,因为它有毒。as heavy as~很重;~pipes 铅管; (2)铅笔芯(dark gray substance inside a pencil)[U,C]:The~of my pencil is broken. 我的铅笔芯断了。L~pencils contain black~.铅笔里面有黑色的铅芯。 (3)(航海)测深锤(weight attached to a line and tossed over the side of the ship for measuring the depth)[C]:cast the~用测深锤测深; →′leaden adj 铅色的;沉重(闷)的;′leaded adj 加铅的;用铅条为框架的;′leadless adj 无铅的;′lead-′poisoning n 铅中毒 |
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