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(恐吓;恫吓) threaten;intimidate Ⅱ (表示不满): ~ ,怎么能干这种事呢? Tut-tut,how could you do that?
另见 see also xià。


(使害怕) frighten; scare; intimi ̄ date: 把我 ~ 一跳 give me a start [fright, scare]; ~ 坏了 be terribly frightened; be overcome with fear; 他被雷声 ~ 了一跳。 He was scared by the thunder. 他 ~ 得不敢作声。 He was intimidated into silence. 威胁是不能把我们 ~ 倒的。 We will not be frightened by threats. 要价别太高, 否则会把顾客 ~ 跑的。 Don't put your prices too high or you'll frighten the customers off.
另见 see also hè。
◆吓得发呆 be scared stiff; be frightened out of one's wits; 吓得发抖 tremble with fear; shake in one's shoes; be shaking with fear; 吓得发疯 be frightened out of one's wits; 吓得魂不附体 scare sb. out of his wits; scare sb. still; scare the daylights out of sb.; 吓得要命 be frightened out of one's life; bring sb.'s heart into his mouth; make sb.'s heart leap out of his mouth; 吓得要死 be scared to death; be frightened almost to death; be near dead with fright; be nearly frightened to death; 吓掉了魂 be frightened out of one's senses; be scared out of one's wits; 吓唬 [口] frighten; scare; intimidate; browbeat; 吓昏了头 be struck dumb; be stunned; 吓了一跳 be taken aback; be scared [frightened; startled]; 吓破了胆 be frightened to death; be frightened; be scared stiff; scared out of one's wits; 吓人 terrifying; frightening; 吓人一跳 take sb. aback; give sb. a start [scare]

突如其来的声音~了她一跳。The sudden noise made her start./我一进房间,发现她坐在里面,把我~了一大跳。It startled me to find her sitting in my room./~得发抖tremble with fear;shake in one’s shoes /~得目瞪口呆be struck dumb; be stunned /~得屁滚尿流frighten the pants off (sb); be terrorstricken /~得要死be scared to death; be terribly frightened





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