单词 | law |
释义 | law/lɔ: / n (1)法律(令,规)(collection of rules according to which people live or a country is governed;any one of such rules)[C,U,the~]:administer/apply/enforce the (a)~执行/实施/实施法律(规);abide by/obey/observe the (a)~遵守法律(规);break/violate/flout the (a)~犯法/犯法/蔑视法律interpret (a)~解释(一)法律(规);declare a~unconstitutional宣布一条法律不合宪法;Does the~allow me to do this? 法律允许我这样做吗?a just~ 公正的法律;an unjust~ 不公正的法律; tariff/traffic~s 关税法/交通法规;The~provides that a parent should send his child to school. 法律规定家长必须送子女上学。commercial/civil/constitutional/copyright/criminal/environmental/marriage/immigration/international/labour/military~商业法/民法/宪法/版权法/刑法/环境法/婚姻法/移民法/国际法/劳动法/军法;martial~戒严令;unwritten~不成文法,习惯法;according to the~按照法律;The~is on his side. 他是有法律依据的。It is against the~to smoke in an elevator. 在电梯里抽烟是违规的。He is at~with his neighbour. 他在和邻居打官司。Nobody is above and outside the~. 没有人能凌驾于法律之上,超越于法律之外。maintain/keep~and order 维护法律和秩序;By~a general election had to be held no later than October. 根据法律,大选必须不迟于10月举行。There is no~against fishing. 没有禁止捕鱼的法令。a~firm 律师事务所; (2)法学(such rules as a subject for study)[U]:study/read~at university 在大学学习法律;practise~当律师;a~student 法律系学生; (3)规律,法则,定律(rule of action;statement of a principle in science)[C]:a~for life and conduct 生活与行为守则;a~of grammar 一条语法规则;the~s of basketball 篮球规则;the~of gravity/motion万有引力/运动定律;the~of social development/supply and demand/value 社会发展/供求/价值规律;the~s of nature 自然规律;the~of averages 平衡法则;the~of the jungle 弱肉强食;Ohm's~ 欧姆定率;Taking a walk every evening is one of his personal~s. 每晚散步已成为他个人的一种生活习惯。〖同〗principle; be a law unto oneself/itself 照自己的意志去做;自行其是:In these matters every man must be a~unto himself. 在这些事情上人人必须自己拿主意。At that time Hitler was a~unto himself. 那时希特勒独断专行,为所欲为。 go to law 打官司:He is going to~about this matter/against his neighbour. 他要就这一件事打官司/和邻居打官司。 have/take the law on sb 告(起诉)某人:If you do that again I will have the~on you. 如果你再那样做,我就要告你。 lay down the law 发号施令:He tried to lay down the~to us when he first arrived,but soon discovered that we didn't do as we were told. 他刚一来就想对我们发号施令,但很快发现我们不听他那一套。 take the law into one's own hands 自己执法;滥用私刑:When they caught the suspected murderer,they took the~into their own hands and hanged him to a tree. 他们抓住杀人嫌疑犯后就私自用刑,把他吊在树上。 →′lawful adj 合法的;′lawfully adv 合法地;′lawless adj 无法的;不法的;′lawlessly adv 无法地;不法地;′law-abiding adj 守法的;′law-breaker n 犯法的人;′lawcourt n 法庭;′lawmaker n 立法者;′lawman n 执法者;′lawsuit n 诉讼;′lawyer n 律师 |
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