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单词 后继无人

后继无人hòu jì wú rén

there is lack of successors(to carry on a tradition,transmit an art or craft,etc.)/这位老中医在骨科方面很有经验,许多病人经他治疗都恢复得很好,对保障劳动人民身体健康有一定贡献的,但是,这位老中医的医术没有得到应有的重视,而且~。(罗瑞卿《回忆周总理》) This old doctor was a very experienced osteologist. He had successfully treated many cases and had done much for the labouring people in the course of his practice. However,he was not given the recognition due to him and had no one to hand on his skills to.
❍ 在这以前,他守着万贯家财,吃喝玩乐,百事如意,就有一样很不顺心,到五十岁上还没儿没女,成天愁着~。(石文驹《战地红缨》6) With his wealth,he had everything he could wish for,but no heir. This had become an obsession with him.

后继无人hòu jì wú rén

继:继承。没有接班人。lack worthy successors, leave no successor, no qualified successors, There is no successor.





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