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单词 后生可畏

后生可畏hòu shēng kě wèi

a youth is to be regarded with respect; the young are to be regarded with awe
❍ ~,焉知来世之不如今也?(《论语·子罕》) A youth is to be regarded with respect. How do we know that his future will not be equal to our present?/他现在凡是有马慕韩在的场合说话比过去更加小心,一方面因为~,马慕韩看问题确实比一般工商界高明些; …… (周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—549) Whenever he spoke in any place where Ma Muhan was present these days he was much more careful than he had been,firstly because it always does to be wary of the younger generation and Ma Muhan really had a much better grasp of things than the average businessmen. …/到了下晚,代儒道:“宝玉,有一章书,你来讲讲。”宝玉过来一看,却是“~”章。(《红楼梦》1071) That afternoon Dairu set him a passage to analyse from the Analects,beginning with the line “Respect the young”./何晏甚奇之,题之曰:“~,若斯人者,可与言天人之际矣。”(刘义庆《世说新语·文学》) He Yan admired him greatly,characterizing him in the words of Confucius,“ ‘Those born after us are to be held in awe.’ With such a person one may discuss the frontier between Heaven and Man.”

后生可畏hou sheng ke wei

a youth is to be regarded with respect


the younger generation will grow up to surpass the older;the young deserve to be regarded with awe(or respect)
~,焉知来者之不如今也? (《论语·子罕》) It is fitting that we should hold the young in awe.How do we know that the generation to come will not be the equal of the present?(The Analects of Confucius)

后生可畏hòu shēnɡ kě wèi

后生:后辈、年轻人;畏:这里指敬服。年轻人超过老一辈,他们是值得敬畏的。The younger generation will surpass the older. A ragged colt may make a good horse.





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