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单词 后发制人

后发制人hòu fā zhì rén

gain mastery by striking only after the enemy has struck
❍ 楚汉成皋之战、新汉昆阳之战、袁曹官渡之战、吴魏赤壁之战、吴蜀彝陵之战、秦晋淝水之战等等有名的大战,都是双方强弱不同,弱者先让一步,~,因而战胜的。(《毛泽东选集》188) In such famous battles as the Battle of Chenggao between the states of Chu and Han,the Battle of Kunyang between the states of Xin and Han,the Battle of Guandu between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao,the Battle of Chibi between the states of Wu and Wei,the Battle of Yiling between the states of Wu and Shu,and the Battle of Feishui between the states of Qin and Jin,in each case the contending sides were unequal,and the weaker side,yielding some ground at first,gained mastery by striking only after the enemy has struck and so defeated the stronger side.

后发制人hòu fā zhì rén

发:发动;制:制服、战胜。指先让对方动手,待对方暴露其弱点,使自己处于有利地位时,再一举打败对方。gain mastery by striking only after the enemy has struck, spar with one’s opponent





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