释义 |
名义❶in the name of;on behalf of ❷(as opposed to reality)nominal;titular;in name 他~上是主席,实际上不管事。He is a titular president,but actually a mere figure head./代表中国政府并以我个人的~on behalf of the Chinese Government and in my own name/以中国代表团的~ in the name of the Chinese Delegation/以会议执行主席的~in one’s capacity as executive chairman of the conference/假借~under false pretenses;under the guise of/~上裁军,实际上扩军disarmament in name,armament in reality/~工资nominal wages /~汇价nominal rate of exchange/~价值nominal value/~价格nominal price/~利率nominal interest rate/~账户 nominal account/~资本nominal capital /~资产nominal assets /~上的主权nominal sovereignty/~租金nominal rental/~对价nominal consideration/~上的当事人nominal party / ~上的增长率nominal growth rate/~合伙人nominal partner /~上的统治者nominal ruler /~上的原告nominal plaintiff/ ~保护系数nominal protection coefficient (NPC)/~上的国家元首titular head of state / ~主权titular sovereignty |