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单词 名不虚传

名不虚传míng bù xū chuán

be worthy of the name; deserve the reputation one enjoys; have a well deserved reputation; live up to one’s name (/reputation); one’s fame is quite true; one’s reputation is justified; be true to one’s name
❍ 我见这厮们武艺精熟,原来却是杨制使和鲁提辖,~!(《水浒全传》722)Their skill is superb. So that’s who they are—Palace Aide Yang and Major Lu. They certainly deserve their reputation.
❍ 莫怪人们传说,武工队打鬼子才棒,蝎虎得厉害,净是百步穿杨的能手,果然~。(冯志《敌后武工队》96) No wonder everyone says that the task force is marvellous in battle against the enemy,that one can match many,and that all are crack shots.It’s a good reputation you have!/玄德叹曰: “人言 ‘锦马超’,~!”(《三国演义》561)“He justifies what people say,” said Liu Bei. “Handsome Ma Chao.”/北静王笑道: “~,果然如 ‘宝’ 似 ‘玉’。”(《红楼梦》165)❶“You live up to your name,” remarked the prince,“You are really like precious jade…”
❷‘If “Baoyu”means “Precious Jade”,you are appropriately named,’ he said.
❍ 兵精粮足,~。(《三国演义》396) It is quite true as I have heard that your men are brave and your supplies ample.
❍ 果然~!今儿初会,却怎么样呢?(《红楼梦》337)You certainly live up to your reputation. How can I mark this first meeting?/在战斗大约进行一刻钟以后,他不得不在心中佩服李自成果然~,真正是一位了不起的好汉。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—179) After the battle had raged for fifteen minutes he had to admit that here was a truly formidable opponent.


enjoy a well-deserved reputation; be true to one’s name; live up to one’s reputation
水果的质量~。The quality of the fruits certainly measures up to its fame./~的名医a medical doctor with a well-deserved reputation

名不虚传mínɡ bù xū chuán

名声与实际相一致,并不是徒有虚名。live up to one’s reputation, be worthy of the name, be equal to one’s reputation





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