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Ⅰ ❶ (名字; 名称) name; appellation: 姓 ~ surname and personal name; 书 ~ the title of a book; title; 地 ~ place name
❷ (名声; 名誉) fame; reputation: 成 ~ come to fame; 以勇敢闻 ~ have a reputation for courage; 不为 ~, 不为利 seek neither fame nor gain
❸ (名义) name: 以出差为 ~, 游山玩水, 给国家造成浪费。 Under the pretext of travelling on business, (some cadres) go holidaying and waste public money.
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 昭 Ming ZhaoⅡ ❶ (说出) describe; express: 莫以 ~ 之 do not know what to call it; 不可 ~ 状 indescribable; nondescript
❷ (名字叫做) given name (is): 这位医生姓马 ~ 强。 This doctor's surname is Ma and his given name is Qiang. Ⅲ (出名的; 有名声的) famous; well-known; notable: ~ 画 a well-known picture; ~ 医 a famous physician; ~ 句 a well-known phrase; a much quoted line; ~ 诗人 a noted poet Ⅳ (用于人): 一 ~ 教师 a teacher; 两 ~ 学生 two students; 第一 ~ the first
◆名不副[符]实 be more in name than in reality; be not worthy of one's name; be unworthy of the name [title]; have an undeserved reputation; hollow reputation without basis; 名不见经传 be not a well-known figure; be a nobody; little known; One's name is unknown here.; 名不虚传 have a well-deserved reputation; be equal to one's reputation; be true to one's name; deserve the reputation one enjoys; enjoy no empty reputation; 名册 register; roll; 名产 famous product; specialty goods; 名称 name (of a thing or organization); designation; nomenclature; definition; 名驰遐迩 One's fame spread far and wide.; One's name is extended to foreign countries.; 名垂千古 go down in history; be crowned with eternal glory; be on the scroll of fame; have a everlasting name; 名垂青史 stamp one's name on the page of history; be crowned with eternal glory; figure in history; go down in history; leave one's name to posterity; 名词 {语} noun; substantive; term; phrase; {逻} name; 名次 position in a name list;place in a competition;placing; ranking; 名存实亡 cease to exist except in name; be only an empty title; exist in name only (not in fact); have a mere nominal existence; non-existent except in name; 名单 name list; roster; 名额 the number of people assigned or allowed; quota of people; 名分 a person's status; 名孚众望 Prestige commands public confidence.; enjoy popular confidence; 名副其实 be worthy of the name; be sth. in reality as well as in name; be worthy of one's reputation; in name and in fact; 名工巧匠 experienced artificers; 名古屋 Nagoya; 名贵 famous and precious; rare; 名过其实 have an exaggerated reputation; be sth. more in name than in reality; 名家 the School of Logicians (in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, 770-221 B.C.); the Logicians; a person of academic or artistic distinction; famous expert; master; 名将 famous general; great soldier; 名教 the Confucian ethical code; 名节 reputation and integrity; 名酒 vintage wine; 名利 fame and gain; fame and wealth; fame and money; 名利双收 gain both fame and wealth; gain both honour and money; get both fame and money; obtain both fame and gain; win fame and fortune; 名列前茅 come out in front; at the top of the list; be among the best successful candidates; come out among the best in examinations; come out at the top of ...; come out on top; come to the fore; 名流 distingushed personages; celebrities; 名录 directory; 名落孙山 fail in official [civil] examinations; be [come in] nowhere; failed to pass the examination; fall behind Sun Shan (who was last on the list of successful candidates); The name is not in the list of successful candidates.; 名门闺秀 daughter of an eminent [illustrious] family; 名目繁多 a multitude of names [items]; names of every description; (under) a host of names; The names of something are many and varied.; 名牌 famous brand; designation strip; placard; prestige; nameplate; name tag; 名牌产品 brand-name products; 名牌大学 prestigious university; 名牌香烟 brand-name cigarettes; 名牌战略 brand-name strategy; 名片 visiting card; calling card; card; name card; 名片效应 name card effect; 名气 [口] reputation; fame; name; 名曲 a great musical composition; a masterpiece in music; 名人 famous person; eminent person; celebrity; notable; 名人录 a list of celebrities; the list of notables; 名山大川 well-known mountains and rivers; famous mountains and great waters [large rivers]; 名声 reputation; repute; renown; 名胜 a place famous for its scenery or historical relics; monument; scenic spot; 名胜古迹 places of historic interest and scenic beauty; famous historic and cultural sites; scenic spots and historial sites; 名师出高徒 An accomplished disciple owes his accomplishment to his great teacher.; 名士 a person with a literary reputation; a celebrity with no official post; 名士风流 unconventional ways of scholars; the elegance of talents; 名手 a famous artist, player, etc.; 名数 {数} concrete number; denominate number; 名堂 result; achievement; reason; item; variety; 名望 fame and prestige; good reputation; renown; 名位 fame and position; 名物 the name and description of a thing; 名下 under sb.'s name; belonging or related to sb.; 名言 well-known saying; celebrated dictum; famous remark; 名医 famous doctors; 名义 name; nominal; titular; in name; 名优 brand-name and high-quality; 名优产品 brand-name and quality products; 名誉 fame; reputation; honorary; 名誉教授 named professor; emeritus professor; 名噪一时 enjoy quite a reputation (in one's lifetime); be a celebrity for a time; gain considerable fame among one's contemporaries; gained some fame for a time; make a noise in the world; very famous at the time; 名正言顺 be right and proper; be perfectly justifiable; come within one's jurisdiction; right titles and proper words; things called by their right names; 名著 famous book; famous work; masterpiece; masterwork; 名字 name; title; 名祖 eponym






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