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单词 同病相怜

同病相怜tóng bìng xiāng lián

those who have the same complaint (/illness) sympathize with each other; adversity (/misery/poverty) makes strange bedfellows; company in distress makes trouble less;feel a pang of sympathy for sb in the same pre dicament as one is; fellow sufferers sympathize (/commiserate) with each other; fellow sufferers understand one another; misery loves company;similarly afflicted people pity each other
❍ 刘雨生对盛佳秀的遭遇,不只是普普通通的同情,还有一种深切的~的感触。(周立波《山乡巨变》282) Liu Yusheng not only felt ordinary human sympathy with Sheng Jiaxiu in her misfortune;as a fellow-sufferer he was especially deeply moved.
❍ 他的话勾起了我的牢骚,不免~,安慰他一番。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》348) I foundmyself echoing his complaints and trying to console him./“这样子闹,叫我也难开口了。怎么这个堂客跟我的那个一样?”想到这里,他对菊咬金倒有点~。(周立波《山乡巨变》 179) “This kind of row makes it difficult for me to say anything. How is it that this woman is just like mine was?”He felt a pang of sympathy for Gold-Biter,in the same predicament as he was,…/我虽有个哥哥,你也是知道的;只有个母亲,比你略强些。咱们也算~。(《红楼梦》560) As for my brother,though,you know what he’s like. My only advantage over you is that I have a mother.Fellow-sufferers can sympathize with each other.

同病相怜tong bing xiang lian

those who have the same illness sympathize with each other


those who suffer from the same illness sympathize with each other;fellow suffers commiserate with each other;be in the same boat

同病相怜tónɡ bìnɡ xiānɡ lián

比喻有共同的遭遇或痛苦而彼此相互同情。fellow sufferers commiserate with each other, misery love company, two in distress makes sorrow less, Misery makes strange bedfellows.





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