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单词 同甘共苦

同甘共苦甘苦与共;分甘共苦tóng gān gòng kǔ

share comforts and hardships (/good luck and ill/joys and sorrows/the sweet and the bitter/thick and thin/weal and woe/prosperity and adversity); stand together for better and for worse;take the rough and the smooth together; throw in one’s lot with sb.
❍ 一九五三年春天,有多少军队干部和地方干部握别了多年一块~的同志,到筹建工厂的工地和新认识的同志握手交欢呢? (柳青《创业史》438) In the spring of 1953 how many army and local government cadres bid farewell to comrades with whom they had been through thick and thin together for years and shook hands with newly met comrades at facotry construction sites?/何况帮朋友的忙,大家~,得到的愉快,就是最大的报酬。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》86) And anyway,he said,the greatest reward he could wish for was the pleasure of helping his friends and sharing their joys and sorrows.
❍ 对于她的日夜的操心,使我也不能不一同操心,来算作分甘共苦。(鲁迅《彷徨·伤逝》121) Her ceaseless anxieties on this score made me anxious too,and in this way we shared the sweet and the bitter together.
❍ 老一辈的延安人永远不会忘记周副主席在延安,在边区,与人民~的日日夜夜。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—185) The older generation in Yanan will never forget the time when Vice-Chairman Zhou was there,sharing weal and woe with the Border Region people.
❍ 在白色恐怖笼罩的敌人巢穴里,邓颖超同志不畏艰险,不计名利,与周恩来同志~,并肩战斗,兢兢业业地为党工作着,为中国妇女解放运动作出了积极的贡献。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅲ—95)In that enemy stronghold under a reign of terror,she defied all dangers and hardships. She set all thought of self aside to share thick and thin with Comrade Zhou Enlai,battling shoulder to shoulder with him,working indefatigably for the Party and making a big contribution to the women’s liberation movement in China.

同甘共苦tong gan gong ku

share weal and woe

《同甘共苦》tong gan gong ku

Joys and Sorrows→岳野 (Yue Ye)


share weal and woe (or comforts and hardships,joys and sorrows);go through thick and thin together
~的战友fellow fighter through thick and thin;comrades-in-arms sharing weal and woe

同甘共苦tónɡ ɡān ɡònɡ kǔ

比喻同欢乐共患难。share weal and woe, in the same boat, stand together for better for worse, share comforts and hardships





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