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单词 同心协力

同心协力同心合力tóng xīn xié lì

be united as one (man); make concerted efforts; pull together;unite all efforts for a common purpose; work in concert (/in harmony); work in full co-operation and with unity of purpose; work together with one heart
❍ 众头须~。(《水浒全传》555)All those good fellows were of one mind and one strength.
❍ 刘洪很爱他的能干勇敢,便以穷兄弟同心合力,团结抗战的道理说服他,可是李九总是摇着头……(知侠《铁道游击队》70)As Liu Hong liked him for his courage and chivalry,he tried to win him over by explaining the importance of all the poor being united as one man,in resistance to the enemy. Li Jiu just shook his head.
❍ 今汝二人亦是昆仲之分,正当~,共报父仇;……(《三国演义》696)You two are also brothers and you should help each other in vengeance…


work in full cooperation and with unity of purpose; work together with one heart:make concerted efforts;require united exertion

同心协力协(合)tónɡ xīn xié lì

心:思想、意志。形容思想一致,共同努力。hitch horses, be of one(a) mind, make concerted efforts, pull together, work in concert, with concerted efforts





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