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(相同; 一样) same; similar; alike; like: ~ 类[岁] the same kind [age]; 异 ~ similarities and dissimilarities; ~ 一条战线 the same front; 质量相 ~ of like quality; 大 ~ 小异 alike with minor differences Ⅱ (跟 ... 相同) be the same as : ~ 前 ditto; “鎚” ~ “锤”。 鎚 is the same as 锤。 Ⅲ (共同; 一齐) together; in common: 协 ~ 作战 fight in coordination; 陪 ~ 参观 accompany sb. on a visit; 一 ~ 动身去上海 set out for Shanghai together; ~ 甘苦, 共患难 share weal and woe Ⅳ ❶ (引进动作的对象, 与“跟”相同) with: ~ 他谈一谈 talk with him; ~ 国力相适应 be compatible with national strength; ~ 中央保持一致 maintain unity with the Central Committee
❷ (引进比较的事物,与“跟”相同) as: 今年的气候 ~ 往年不一样。 The weather of this year is not the same as that of the past years. 老人 ~ 儿童一样喜欢这部电影。 The old people as well as the children like this film.
❸ [方] (表示替人做事, 与“给”相同) for: 我 ~ 你出个主意。 I'll offer you a piece of advice. Ⅴ (表示联合关系, 与“和” 相同) and; as well as; with: 我 ~ 你在一起。 I am together with you. Ⅵ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 谷 Tong Gu
另见 see also tònɡ。
◆同案 codefendants; 同案犯 accomplice; 同班 (在一个班级里) in the same class; 同伴 companion; 同胞 born of the same parents; fellow countryman; compatriot; {动} {植} sibbing; sibling; sib; 同胞手足 be born of the same father and mother; 同辈 of the same generation; fellow; 同辈人 contemporary; 同病相怜 Similarly afflicted people pity each other.; Company in distress makes trouble (seem) less.; Fellow sufferers commiserate with each other.; Fellow sufferers have mutual sympathy.; Fellow sufferers sympathize with one another.; Misery loves company.; People similarly afflicted feel pity for one another.; Persons afflicted with a similar ailment sympathize with each other.; Those who have the same complaint sympathize with each other.; Those who have the same illness sympathize with each other.; 同病异治 {中医} treating the same disease with different methods; 同步 synchronization; synchronism; cogradient; synchro; 同步传输 synchronous transmission; 同步轨道 geostationary orbit; 同步增长 increase simultaneously; 同差素 isodiapheres; 同吃同住 live under the same roof and eat at the same table; 同仇敌忾 have the same enemy and hatred; be bound by a common hatred for enemy; filled with a common hatred; share a bitter hatred of the enemy; (fight) with a common hatred (against ...); with deep hatred for the enemy; 同窗 study in the same school; schoolmate; 同窗砚友 fellow student; schoolmate; 同窗之谊 the friendship of fellow students; 同床共枕 share the same bed and the same pillow; sleep on the same couch; 同床异[各]梦 sleep in the same bed but dream different dreams; Bedfellows are having different dreams — differences in opinion and ambition.; be thrown together but each having a different problem [ambition]; hide different purposes behind the semblance of accord; share the same bed but dream different dreams — be strange bedfellows; 同党 of the same party; member of the same party同道 people engaged in the same pursuit; people with the same ideals; 同道为友 As fellow-Christians they have become friends.; Their friendship grows out of common ideals.; They make friends because they have the same political faith.; 同等 of the same class [rank; status]; on an equal basis; 同等性 congruency; 同等学历 the same educational level; 同调 persons with the same inclination or view; 同恶相济 conspire with someone in illegal acts; aid and abet each other in wrongdoings; Evildoers collude [collaborate] with each other.; take part in a conspiracy with sb.; The wicked help the wicked.; 同房 of the same branch of a family; [婉] sleep together; have sexual intercourse; share the same room;
同父异母兄弟 consanguineous brothers; 同甘共苦 share sb.'s joys and sorrows; go through thick and thin together; partake in each other's joys and sorrows; share happiness and sufferings; share joys and hardships; share satisfactions and hardships; share the rough and the smooth with sb.; share weal and woe; share with sb. both prosperity and adversity; share with sb. sweets and bitters, weal and woe; take “for better or for worse”; through thick and thin; 同感 the same feeling; consensus; sympathy; 同根词 conjugate; 同庚 age- grade; agelike; 同庚同时 be born in the same year, month, and on the same day; 同工同酬 receive the same pay as others doing the same work; get the same pay for the same job; equal pay for equal work; 同工异曲 Different tunes rendered with equal skill.; different in approach but equally satisfactory results; 同构 {晶} isostructuralism; {数} isomorphism; 同国人 countryman; compatriot; paesano; 同归 get to the same destination; have the same ending; 同归殊途 All return to the same place through travelling in different roads.; 同归于尽 perish together; All come to an end.; All perish together.; be doomed to the same fate; Both of (them, etc.) may die together.; Both sides will be doomed.; end in common ruin; end up in common ruin; end up in ruin together; get killed at one and the same time; perish with ... ; (They were shipwrecked and) shared the same fate.; turn to ashes with sb.; 同行 of the same trade or occupation; a person of the same trade or occupation; fraternity; 同行工[公]会 craft union; 同行嫉妒 Two of a trade seldom [never] agree — professional jealousy.; Two of a trade are always jealous of each other.; 同行是冤家 Two of a trade can never agree.; 同好 people of the same taste or hobby; 同呼吸, 共命运 share a common fate; throw in one's lot with sb.; 同化 assimilate; {语} assimilation; 同伙 work in partnership; collude with; partner; associate; confederate; 同基因素 isogenome; 同基因(组织)移植 isograft; isotransplant; 同级 vis-a-vis; 同居 live together; cohabit; a common- law [companionate] marriage; shack up with; 同居分爨 live under the same roof but have separate kitchens; live in the same house, but eat separately; 同来同往 go to ... together and come home together; 同乐赛会 hey rube; 同类 of the same kind; similar; 同类不相残 Crows do not pick crow's eyes.; Dog does not eat dog.; Hawks will not pick hawk's eyes out.; 同类产品 similar products; 同类相残 cannibalism; kill one's own kind; 同离子 homo-ion; 同[通]力合作 work together with common strength — to cooperate; 同僚 associate; colleague; fellow official; 同龄人 contemporary; 同流合污 associate oneself with undesirable elements [trends]; associate with evil elements; Birds of a feather flock together.; Evil companions associate in evil.; foul one's hands with sb.; go along with sb. in his evil deeds; go with the stream; hick as thieves; join in the courses of the vicious and unite in their bad practices; join in their evildoings [cesspool]; join with the vicious; lend oneself to dishonest schemes; play a part in their vile actions; wallow in the mire with sb.; 同路 go the same way; 同伦 {数} homotopy; 同门 {计} match gate; quivalence gate; biconditional gate; equality gate; equivalence element; exclusive-NOR gate; pupils of the same master; 同门异户 holding the same views with minor differences; 同盟 alliance; league; 同盟会 Tung Meng Hui; Chinese Revolutionary League; 同名 of the same name; synonym; homonym; 同名同姓 of the same surname and given name; 同名异姓 with the same first [given] name but with different surnames; 同谋 conspire; be of compli ̄ city; conspire with sb.; accomplice; confederate; conspirator; 同母所生子女 children of the same venter; 同能量 co-energy; 同年 the same year; of the same age; 同旁内角 interior angles of the same side; interior angles on the same side; 同旁外角 exterior angles of the same side; exterior angles on the same side; 同袍同泽 comrades in the same army; comrades-in-arms; fellow fighters; 同胚 homeomorphism; bicontinuous function; topological mapping; topological transformation; 同频道 co-channel; 同频广播 common-frequency broadcasting; {讯} shared channel broadcasting; 同期 the corresponding period; the same term; 同起同坐 sit with and stay by sb.; share the right [power] with sb.;
同气连枝 of the same breath and branches; 同气相求 Like draws to like.; Like attracts like.; People of the same tastes and habits like to be together.; 同前 ditto; 同前符号 simile; 同衾共枕 share the same quilt and the same pillow; 同情 sympathy; pity; sympathize; show sympathy for; have a soft place in one's heart; 同情罢工 sympathetic strike; strike in sympathy; sympathy strike; 同情落泪 shed tears of compassion for someone;
同人[仁] colleagues; 同日而语 be mentioned in the same breath [at the same time]; be named on the same day (with ...); 同色 homochromy; 同上 ditto; idem; the same; the same as above; 同声 speak at the same time; speak simultaneously; 同声传译 simultaneous interpretation; 同声相应, 同气相求 having spiritual affinity; Like attracts like.; Similar sounds echo one another, and the same odors merge together — people of an inclination fall into the same group.; 同声一哭 share the same feeling of loss; 同声赞扬 acclaim universally; 同生 syngenesis; syngenetic; contemporaneous; 同生共死 live and [or] die together; live and die with sb.; share life and death with sb.; 同生死, 共患难 share weal and woe; 同时 at the same time; simultaneously; concurrently; in the meantime; meanwhile; in the interim; per interim; moreover; besides; furthermore; 同时并举 develop simultaneously; simultaneously carry out; go hand in hand with; 同事 work in the same place; work together; mate; colleague; fellow worker; 同是天涯沦落人 Those who have the same misfortune sympathize with each other.; 同室操戈 family members drawing swords on each other — fratricidal strife; a quarrel among brothers in the same family; fight against one's own men; internal strife; internecine fight [feud]; 同岁 of the same age; 同榻而眠 sleep on the same couch; 同堂家族 joint-undivided family; 同体移植 autograft; autogenic graft; autologous graft; orthotopic transplantation; 同条共贯 grow on the same branch and be tied on the same string of cash; be interlinked logically; 同位概念 {逻} appositive concept; 同位角 {数} corresponding angles; exterior-interior angles; 同位素 {化} isotope; 同位通信卫星 geosynchronous communication satellite; 同位语 {语} appositive; 同位元素 isotopic element; 同文电报 multiple-address telegraph;
同窝 brood; 同窝小猪 farrow; 同窝幼畜 littermate; 同物异名 {分类} synonym; 同喜 Thank you for your congratulation.; 同乡 a person from the same village, town or province; a fellow villager, townsman or provincial; 同相 same-phase; in-phase; phase coincidence; 同向 syntropy; 同心 with one heart; concentric; homocentric; stigmatic; 同心并力 unite all efforts for common purpose; 同心结 a true love knot; a true lover's knot; 同心同德 be of one heart and one mind; be one heart with ...; dedicate ourselves heart and soul to the same cause; do sth. wholeheartedly with sb.; have the same heart and mind; of one mind and principle; with one heart and one mind; work with one heart and one mind; work with one mind; 同心同意 be hand and glove; be heart and hand; be of the same opinion [mind]; be of one [a] mind; with one heart and mind; 同心协力 unite in a concerted effort; have one heart to help each other; make concerted efforts to ...; unite all efforts for a common purpose; unite in spirit and action; with concerted effort; work in concert with sb.; work in full cooperation and with unity of purpose; work together with one heart; 同行 travel together; 同性 of the same sex; of the same nature or character; isomorphism同性恋 homosexuality; homeosexuality; homosex; [俚] faggotry; 同性恋爱 urningism; uranism; uranianism; 同性恋者 homo sexual; 同性性欲 homoeroticism; homosexuality; 同性诱导 assimilative induction; 同姓 of the same surname; 同姓不婚 Marriage between people bearing the same surname is forbidden.; 同姓不宗 of the same surname but of different clans; 同学 be in the same school [class]; be a schoolmate of sb.; fellow student; schoolmate; classmate; comrade (a form of address used in speaking to a student); 同样 same; equal; similar; [拉] ejusdem; 同业 the same trade or business; a person of the same trade or business; 同一 same; identical; 同一律 {逻} the law of identity; rule of identity; 同一年龄 age-grade; age-group; 同一性 identity; identify; homoousia; 同义词 {语} synonym; 同音 unisonance; unison; homophone; 同语系 cognation; 同域 same area; 同源 consanguinity; isogeny; isogenesis; 同志 comrade; 同志关系 comradeship; 同舟共济 cross a river in the same boat — to pull together in times of trouble; be [row; sail] in the same boat; sail on the same tack; share with sb. in trouble; The people in the same boat (should) help each other.; Those in the same boat (should) cooperate for the same aim.; Two in distress make trouble less.; 同轴 {电} coaxial; gang; concentric; 同住 cohabit; 同字异音拼写法 heterography; 同宗 clansman; of the same clan; have common ancestry; 同族 phratry; {化} homology


(构词成分): 胡 ~ [hú tònɡ] alley; lane
另见 see also tónɡ。





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