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单词 last
last1/lɑ:st, AmE læst/ adj [无comp];n;adv[无comp

adj (1)最后的(coming at the end;after all others):the~page of a book/chair in a row/day of the year 一本书的最后一页/一排的最后一把椅子/一年的最后一天;one's~hope/chance 最后的希望/机会;He was the~person to leave. 他是最后走的。He was~in the race. 比赛中他是最后一名。〖反〗first;

(2)上一个;最新(近)的(immediately before this;most recent)[作attrib]:~night/week/month/year昨晚/上星期/上个月/去年;in/during the~few days/weeks/decades 在最近的几天/几周/几十年里;~Friday/spring 上(刚过去的)周五/去年(刚过去的)春天;the day/week/month before~前天/上上周/上上个月;the~letter I received 我最近收到的一封信;The~news I heard was that he got married. 我听到的最新消息是他结婚了。〖反〗next;

(3)最后剩下的(only one left)[尤attrib]:one's~hope of winning 获胜的最后希望;I have spent my~dollar. 我把剩下的最后一块钱花了。

(4)最不可能(合适)的(most unlikely;most unsuitable):the~person I want to see 我最不想见的人;That's the~thing I should expect him to do. 那是我最不希望他做的事。I think she is the~person to be a teacher. 我认为她当教师最不合适。

(5)最,非常(utmost;extreme):It's a question of~importance. 这是最重要的问题。

last but one/two 倒数第二/第三:He was~but one to finish the race. 他在赛跑中得了倒数第二。

have the last word 有最后的决定权:The manager has the~word on the project. 经理对这项工程有最后的决定权。

→′lastly adv 最后(一点);′last-′minute adj 最后一分钟的;紧急关头的;

n最后的人或物(last person or thing)[N(of)][多与the 连用,复数不变]:He was the~of the visitors to leave. 他是最后离去的一位客人。These are the~of our oranges. 这些是我们最后的橘子了。He has spent the~of his money. 他把最后的钱也花光了。

at (long)last 最后,终于:At~,man has landed on the moon. 人类终于登上了月球。

breathe one's last 死,断气:He peacefully breathed his~. 他安祥地死去。

hear/see the last of 1)最后一次听/看到:That was the~I heard/saw of him. 那是我最后一次听到他的事/看到他。2)不再与……打交道:I hope we've seen the~of her. 希望我们再也不要见到她。

to/till the last 到底,至死:The soldiers fought to the~.士兵们战斗到底。be faithful to the~始终忠于,至死不渝;

adv(1) 最后(after all others):I am to speak~at the meeting. 会上我将最后一个发言。Our horse came~in the race. 我们的马在比赛中得了最后一名。〖反〗 first;

(2)上(最近)一次(most recently):He saw her~/~saw her in Paris.他上一次(最近一次)见到她是在巴黎。It's a long time since I met you~. 自上次见面以来我有很长时间没见到你了。

last but not least 最后但同样重要的:And~but not lease I'd like to thank my parents. 最后但同样重要的是我要感谢我的父母。

last of all 最后:And~of all,I would like to thank Mr Smith for all his help. 最后我要感谢史密斯先生对我们的一切帮助。

【辨异】the last指最后的或所谈论的前面的一个,如:the last three pages of the book(书的最后三页);the latest的意思是最近(新)的,如:the latest news(最新消息);the latter指已谈到的两者中的后者,是较正式的说法,如:Of the two,the latter is far better than the former.(两者中后者大大优于前者。)





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