释义 |
各个击破gè gè jī pòconquer one after the other;crush (/defeat/destroy/knock down/smash/wipe out) one by one ❍ 你叫我们和齐国绝交,那才好让你们来~啦! (郭沫若《屈原》102) You tell us to sever relations with Qi in order that we Eastern States may be conquered one after the other. ❍ 既不能一鼓歼灭,又不能~。(曲波《林海雪原》438—439) You couldn’t knock the forts out in a single assault,nor could you destroy them one by one. ❍ 从这四个革命阶段可以看出,毛主席统一战线的观点是要团结最广大的同盟军,~敌人。(周恩来《学习毛泽东》)From these four revolutionary stages we can see that Chairman Mao’s view on the united front is to unite with allies on the broadest scale and defeat our enemies one by one. ❍ 我们的策略原则,仍然是利用矛盾,争取多数,反对少数,~。(《毛泽东选集》722) Our tactics are guided by one and the same principle: to make use of contradictions,win over the enemy,oppose the few and crush our enemies one by one. 各个击破smashing(/destroying)the enemy units one by one 各个击破destroy (or crush,tackle) one by one;divide and conquer 各个击破ɡè ɡè jī pò把目标一个一个地攻破。crush one by one, destroy one by one, conquer one after the other |