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单词 可望而不可即

可望而不可即可望而不可及kě wàng ér bù kě jí

may see at a distance,but may not approach;within sight but beyond reach—inaccessible;unattainable; tantalizing
❍ 他们那个完完全全为人民服务的伟大精神,真是天下第一! 对我们来说,是可望而不可及。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—494) Their great spirit of utter devotion to the service of the people is really unequalled anywhere! For us,it’s something that we may aspire to but can never attain.
❍ 这片早晚隐没在云雾中的杂花森林,用它不同颜色的枝叶,自然地构成了“虎皮”的斑斓花纹,高与天相接,可望而不可及!(郭先红《征途》556) Half hidden in the clouds,the trees with their mottled foliage looked like a striped tiger skin.This forest high in the sky appeared unapproachable.
❍ 但我所说的中国革命高潮快要到来,决不是如有些人所谓“有到来之可能” 那样完全没有行动意义的、~的一种空的东西。(《毛泽东选集》103) But when I say that there will soon be a high tide of revolution in China,I am emphatically not speaking of something which in the words of some people “is possibly coming”,something illusory,unattainable and devoid of significance for action.


within sight but beyond reach;unattainable; inaccessible





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