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单词 召之即来

召之即来zhào zhī jí lái

assemble as soon as summoned; be on call (at any hour); be ready to assemble at the first call; report for duty at a moment's call; respond speedily to sb’s summons;rush over at a moment’s notice
❍ 这里的民兵能做到~;来之能战,战之能胜。The militiamen here are capable of being ready to assemble at the first call and of fighting and winning.
❍ 因为近,孙武也就~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—267) As he lived in a room nearby,Sun Wu soon arrived in response to the call.


be able to come at the first call


be on call at any hour;come as soon as called;be ready to assemble at the first call,report for duty at a moment’s notice
~,来之能战,战之能胜be ready for battle at the first call and be sure of victory in combat/~,挥之即去come on call and quit on order

召之即来zhào zhī jí lái

召:同“招”。一招手就来了。比喻随时听从召唤,也比喻指挥有力。come as soon as called, come at sb.’s call, respond speedily to sb.’s summons, be ready to assemble at the first call





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