释义 |
叫苦连天jiào kǔ lián tiānconstantly complain;incessantly grumbling (of one’s hard lot); complain to high heaven; keep on pouring out one’s hard lot;ventilate one’s endless grievances ❍ 你看那众和尚,搬箱抬笼,抢桌端锅,满院里~。(《西游记》220) Look at all those monks! They began to bring out the chests and carry out the drawers,to grab for tables and snatch up pots.A loud wailing filled the whole courtyard. ❍ 你们的伤兵和随军家属,跟着你们~。(《毛泽东选集》1260) Your wounded soldiers and the families who have followed the army are complaining to high heaven. ❍ 他知道吴荪甫并没受过金融界的压迫,并且当此丝业中人大家~之时,吴荪甫的境况最好: ……(茅盾《子夜》79) He knew that Wu Sunfu was free from pressure from the bankers and that he was comfortably off when everyone else in the silk industry was feeling the pinch. ❍ 众人~,跪地哀求。(《红楼梦》1434) The women fell on their knees,wailing,to beg for mercy. 叫苦连天jiao ku lian tiancomplain so much 叫苦连天complain bitterly; ventilate one’s bitter grievance;cause widespread discontent 叫苦连天jiào kǔ lián tiān接二连三地叫苦。complain to high heaven, complain bitterly, keep on pouring out one’s hard lot, ventilate one’s endless grievances |