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❶ (人或动物等发出较大的声音) cry;shout: 大 ~ 一声 give a loud cry;shout;cry out loudly;
狗 ~ bark;
鸡 ~ crow;
驴 ~ bray;
羊 ~ bleat;
汽笛在 ~。 The steam whistle is blowing. 他们听到这事都高兴得 ~ 了起来。 They all shouted for [with] joy when they heard it.
❷ (招呼;呼唤) call;greet: 你的电话 ~ 通了。 Your call has been put through. 他被 ~ 出城去。 He was called out of town. 我在后面 ~ 你,但是你没有听到。 I called after you,but you did not hear. 这孩子腼腆,不爱 ~ 人。 The child is shy and doesn't like to greet people.
❸ (告诉某些人员送来所需要的东西) hire;order: ~ 菜 order dishes (at a restaurant);~ 辆出租汽车 hire [call] a taxi;~ 两吨煤 order two tons of coal
❹ (名称是;称为) name;call: 今早有个 ~ 高红的女孩给我打电话了吗? Did a girl called Gao Hong ring up for me this morning? 他们都管她 ~ “大姐姐”。 They all called her “Big Sister”. 他 ~ 什么名儿? What's his name? 这个地方 ~ 桃花屯。This place was named Taohua Village. 这棉花长得真 ~ 棒。 That's what I call a really good crop of cotton. 这能 ~ 虚心接受批评么? Can this be called readiness to accept criticism?
❺ (吩咐;让) ask;order;bid: 大夫 ~ 他卧床一两天。 The doctor ordered him to stay in bed for a couple of days. 你最好 ~ 他们到这儿来。 You'd better ask them round here. 他们 ~ 他进去。 They bade him enter.
❻ (叫牌) bid: 他 ~ 3个黑桃。 He bid three spades. 我~ 4个方块。 I bid four diamonds. Ⅱ [方] (雄性的,指某些家畜或家禽) male (animal): ~ 鸡 cock;rooster: ~ 驴 jackass Ⅲ (用在被动式里引进主动者): 杯子 ~ 小李拿走了。The cup was taken away by Xiao Li. ~ 你猜对了。 You've guessed right. 你 ~ 雨淋了吗? Did you get wet? 庄稼 ~ 大水冲跑了。 The crops were washed away by the flood.
◆叫喊 shout;yell;howl;cry;vociferate;
叫好 applaud;applause;shout “Bravo!”;shout “Well done!”;叫花子 beggar;
叫唤 cry out;call out;
叫苦 complain of hardship or suffering;moan and groan;
叫苦不迭 pour out one's endless grievances;cry bitterness without ceasing;cry bitterness for a while without cessation;constantly complain;complain incessantly;
叫苦连声 howl in the bitterness of one's distress;
叫苦连天 complain to high heaven;cry to heaven;showl out in pain [suffering];叫骂 shout curses;
叫卖 cry one's wares;cry one's goods for sale;hawk one's wares;peddle;hawk;
叫门 call at the door to be let in;knock at the door;
叫屈 complain of being wronged;protest against an injustice;
叫嚷 shout;howl;clamour;hue and cry;vociferate;
叫人上钩 spread one's net for sb.;
叫啥干啥 do whatever is required of;
叫天天不应,入地地无门 nowhere to turn for help;
叫嚣 clamour;raise a hue and cry;
叫醒 wake up;awaken;
叫做 be called;be known as;
叫座 draw a large audience;draw well;appeal to the audience





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