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(单独的) single; lonely: 形单影 ~ a single shadow; extremely lonely; 片言 ~ 字 just a few words or a short note; ~ 字未写 not write a single word Ⅱ ❶ (用于某些成对物中的一个): 两 ~ 耳朵 two ears; 一 ~ 鞋 one shoe
❷ (用于动物): 一 ~ 鸟 a bird; 三 ~ 兔子 three rabbits
❸ (用于某些器具): 一 ~ 皮箱 a leather trunk
❹ (用于船只): 一 ~ 小船 a boat Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 好仁 Zhi Haoren
另见 see also zhǐ。
◆只身 alone; by oneself; 只言片语 a word or two; a few isolated words and phrases; a single sentence or words; just a few words; syllable; words and phrases torn [taken] out of context; 只字不提 not to breathe a word about [of] ...; keep silent about ...; let fall not a syllable; make no mention whatsoever at all; not touch upon it at all; not a word slipped from one's mouth (about ...); not to breathe [say] a single word (about it); not to drop a word (of ...)


(限于某个范围; 只有; 仅有); only; just; simply; merely: ~ 能试试看 can only try; ~ 需一会的功夫 just for a moment; 我 ~ 想问一个问题。 I have just one question. 屋子里 ~ 剩下3个人。 There were only three people left in the room.
另见 see also zhī。
◆只不过 only; just; merely; no more than; 只此一家, 别无分店 the one and only store, no branch office — have a monopoly; the one and the only; 只得 have no alternative but to; be obliged to; have to; 只顾 be absorbed in; merely; simply; only care for; 只管 by all means; not hesitate to; just; merely; 只好 have to; be forced to; 只能意会, 不可言传 can be subtly appreciated, but not put into words; can always be felt and understood, but never described; can be apprehended by the heart but not expressed by the mouth; 只怕 be afraid of only one thing; 只是 merely; only; just; simply; however; but then; only; 只消 [方] all one has to do is; you only need to; 只要 so long as; provided; 只要功夫深, 铁杵磨成针 Constant grinding can turn an iron rod into a needle; Constant dropping wears away a stone.; If you work at it hard enough, you can grind an iron rod into a needle — perseverance spells success.; Little strokes fell great oaks.; With time and patience the leaf of the mulberry becomes satin.; 只有 only; alone; 只争朝夕 seize every minute; make the best use of one's time; race against time; seize the day and seize the hour





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