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单词 古往今来

古往今来gǔ wǎng jīn lái

from ancient to modern times; of all ages ; from (/since) time immemorial;throughout history (/the ages)
❍ 今者一百零八人皆在面前聚会,端的~,实为罕有。(《水浒全传》872) Today there are the hundred and eight of us and all are here before my face. Truly is it a thing not heard of from ancient times even unt i l now.
❍ ~各种主义多得很,…… (罗广斌、杨益言 《红岩》 202) There have been various kinds of doctrines from ancient times onwards,…/难道~多少明白人都被他哄了不成?(《红楼梦》 1315) How could so many people with good sense have been fooled from old time till now?

古往今来ɡǔ wǎnɡ jīn lái

往:以往。从古到今。from ancient to modern times, from time immemorial





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