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单词 古今中外

古今中外gǔ jīn zhōng wài

at all times and in all countries; ancient and modemn,Chinese and foreign;past and present,at home and abroad
❍ 翻遍了~的历史,没有一个国家曾经用这种所谓示威运动而变成了既富且强。(茅盾《子夜》261) Just go through all the history books—Chinese and foreign,ancient and modern—and you won't find a single country making herself wealthy and strong by such methods as agitation and demonstration. /总之,凡属倒退行为,结果都和主持者的原来的愿望相反。~,没有例外。(《毛泽东选集》 696)In short,retrogression eventually produces the reverse of what its promoters intend . There is no exception to this rule either in modern or in ancient times,i n China or elsewhere.
❍ ~,真正百战百胜的军队是没有的。(吴强 《红日》 134) There's never i n the whole of history been an army anywhere that's really won all its battles,either in this country or abroad.
❍ 叫人见了一点儿也不怕,真是~少有的部队。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—493) No one need have the least fear of them. An army like that would be hard to find,past or present,in China or abroad.
❍ 在建筑形式和艺术风格上,要~,一切精华,皆为我用,……(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》1 Ⅱ—333) We should turn to our advantage the best from the past and present,Chinese and foreign architecture in form and artistic styling.


ancient and modern,Chinese and foreign; at all times and in all countries
~的文学艺术ancient and modern literature and art,both Chinese and foreign

古今中外ɡǔ jīn zhōnɡ wài

从古代到现代,从中国到外国。形容范围广阔。ancient and modern,Chinese and foreign; at all times and in all lands, in modern times or ancient, in China or abroad





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