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单词 口若悬河

口若悬河kǒu ruò xuán hé

be eloquent; gush away about; have the gift of the gab; hold forth about;let loose a flood of eloquence; longwinded; make a torrent of words; speak fluently (/volubly); talk on and on in a flow of eloquence; talk glibly
❍ 这位罗大方~,一说就是一套。(杨沫《青春之歌》93) It seemed as if Luo’s flow of words would never stop.
❍ 到了时候,(我)却~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》343) When the time came I gushed away about my visit,…/他会了意,于是~地大讲一阵道理: …… (李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—165) Liu understood him right away and,taking over the argument,started categorically to give all the reasons for their protest most fluently.
❍ 且无论其口似悬河,辩才无碍。(《三国演义》514) To say nothing about his speech being like the River of Heaven,nothing daunts his talent for dialectic.
❍ 李绍桐~,一口气说到这里,忽然从后面的座位上发出了嘘嘘的怪声: …… (杨沫《青春之歌》562) Li Shaotong’s talk had gone swimmingly so far,but now hisses and boos sounded from the back of the hall: …/假使苏秦、张仪、陆贾、郦生复出,口似悬河,舌如利刃,安能动我心哉! (《三国演义》396) He takes his models such men as Su Qin,Zhang Yi,Lu Jia and Li Sheng so that they seem to live again. His words pour forth like a rushing river,his tongue is as a sharp sword.Is it possible to move such as I am?”/知县见他说的~,又是本朝确切典故,不由得不信,…… (《儒林外史》60)When the magistrate heard Chang talk so glibly about one of the memorable events of that dynasty,giving all manner of circumstantial details,he could not but believe him.


speak eloquently and volubly;talk in a flow of eloquence

口若悬河kǒu ruò xuán hé

若:好象;悬河:激流倾泻。形容口才极好,讲起话来滔滔不绝。be eloquent, with a glib tongue, have a great flow of speech, be a glib talker





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