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单词 口是心非

口是心非kǒu shì xīn fēi

affirm sth with one’s lips but deny it in his heart; consent outwardly but disagree inwardly;cry with one eye and laugh with the other; double-dealing; double-faced; double-minded; hypocritical; one’s heart is far from his lips;play a double game; say one thing but mean another;say yes and mean no
❍ 我~,领头破坏政府的法令,……(冯志《敌后武工队》262) I’m a double dealer.I took the lead in sabotaging the government laws.
❍ 刘魁胜是个目空一切,手狠心黑的家伙,平常对自己~,……(冯志《敌后武工队》239) He is insolent,a cold-blooded killer,and is double-faced towards me.
❍ 但我们究竟还有一点记忆,回想起来,怎样的“今是昨非”呵,怎样的“~”呵,怎样的“今日之我与昨日之我战”呵。(鲁迅《华盖集》43) We do have some memory,though,and can think back to realize “Yesterday was wrong but today is right,”“A man says one thing but means another,” “My present self is fighting against my past self.”/阳奉阴违,~,当面说得好听,背后又在捣鬼,这就是两面派行为的表现。(《毛泽东选集》498) To comply in public but oppose in private,to say yes and mean no,to say nice things to a person’s face but play tricks behind his back—these are all forms of double dealing.


say yes and mean no;say one thing and mean another; be double-faced; play a double game

口是心非kǒu shì xīn fēi

嘴上说的是一套,心里想的又是另外的一套。比喻心口不一。say yes and mean no, show a false face, play a double game, be a hypocrite, carry two faces under one head





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