释义 |
口kǒuⅠ ❶ (人或动物进饮食的器官; 嘴) mouth: 病从 ~ 入。 Illness finds its way in by the mouth. 祸从 ~ 出。Out of the mouth comes evil. 良药苦 ~。 Good medicine is bitter in the mouth. ❷ (容器通外面的地方) mouth; rim: 瓶 ~ 儿 the mouth of a bottle; 碗 ~ 儿 the rim of a bowl; 信箱的 ~ 儿 the slit of a letter box; 罐子的 ~ 缺了。 The mouth of the jar was chipped. ❸ (出入通过的地方) opening; entrance; mouth: 出 ~ exit; 洞 ~ the mouth of a cave; 河 ~ the mouth of a river; estuary; 胡同 ~ 儿 the entrance of an alley; 枪 ~ the muzzle of a gun; 入 ~ entrance; inlet ❹ (有关联的部门联成的系统) department; section: 财贸 ~ departments of trade and finance and affiliated organizations; 文教 ~ departments of culture and education as a whole ❺ (长城的关口, 多用做地名, 也泛指这些关口) a gateway of the Great Wall (often used in place names): 张家 ~ Zhangjiakou ❻ (口子) cut; hole: 伤 ~ wound; cut; 衣服撕了个 ~ 儿 tear a hole in one's jacket; 茶碗缺了个 ~ 儿。The rim of the teacup is chipped. ❼ (刀、 剑、 剪刀等的刃) the edge of a knife: 刀卷 ~ 了。 The edge of the knife is turned. ❽ (牲口的年龄) the age of a draft animal: 这匹马 ~ 还轻。 This horse is still young. ❾ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 禄 Kou Lu Ⅱ ❶ (用于人): 他家五 ~ 人。There are five people in his family. ❷ (用于牲畜, 主要是猪): 三 ~ 猪 three pigs ❸ (用于有口或有刃的某些器物): 一 ~ 刀 a knife; 一 ~ 井 a well; 一 ~ 水缸 a water vat ❹ (用于语言): 她说一 ~ 流利的英语。 She speaks fluent English. ❺ (用于口腔动作次数): 一 ~ 吞下 make a mouthful of (sth.); 他咬了一 ~ 苹果。He took a bite at the apple. ◆口岸 port; seaport; river port; entry port; exit port; 口白 uttered words; spoken parts in opera; 口碑 public praise; 口碑载道 enjoy great popularity among the people; a tablet hanging among the people on the road — worthy of praise;be praised everywhere; be warmly praised by one and all; One's name is on all men's lips.; One's praises ring far and wide.; win popular praise; 口笨舌拙 awkward in speech; 口才 eloquence; 口吃 stutter; stammer; spasmophemia; balbucinate; mogilalia; battarism; battarismus; ischnophonia; psellism; 口齿 enunciation; ability to speak; 口齿伶俐 have a ready tongue; a good talker; be clever and fluent; be quick of wit and eloquent; fluent of speech; One's tongue is very swift answer.; 口臭 kakostomia; ozostomia; bromopnea; fetid breath; saburra; halitosis; bad breath; foul breath; 口出狂言 talk wildly; 口传 pass on by word of mouth; spread from mouth to mouth; instruct orally; give oral instruction; hand down by oral instruction; 口传心授 oral teaching that inspires true understanding within; 口疮 canker; aphtha; aptha; 口唇 lips; [拉] labia; 口袋 pocket; 口袋 bag; sack; 口对口复苏 {医} mouth-to-mouth resuscitation; 口对口呼吸 mouth to mouth breathing; 口耳之学 fragmentary hearsay knowledge; 口风 one's intention or view as revealed in what one says; 口服 profess to be convinced; take orally; 口服心不服 pretend to be convinced; agree in words but not in mind; 口福 the luck to get sth. nice to eat; gourmet's luck; luck in having food; 口福不浅 Luck of the mouth is not shallow.; lucky in having good things to eat; luck of having good food; 口干 dry; thirst; 口供 a testimony; a confession; a deposition; a statement made by the accused under examination; a verbal report in court or police station (by a suspect, witness, etc.); 口号 slogan; watchword; shibboleth; 口红 rouge; lipstick; lip rouge; 口惠 lip service; empty promise; 口惠无实 support shown by words only and not by actions; make a promise and not keep it; pay lip service; promises given in words but not fulfilled; 口技 {杂技} oral stunts (i. e. the ability to imitate various sounds with the mouth); ventriloquism; vocal imitation [mimicry]; 口角 (嘴边) corner of the mouth; 口径 bore; caliber; requirements; specifications; statement; 口角 quarrel; bicker; spat; wrangle; 口诀 (arithmatic) tables which should be committed to memory for ready use, as the multiplication table, etc.; a pithy formula (often in rhyme); 口渴 thirsty; 口口声声 say repeatedly [time and again]; go on prating about; never be tried of professing keep on proclaiming [saying]; keep saying all the time, pay lip service to; talk glibly about; talk [describe] repeatedly; 口快心直 blunt, outspoken, but honest; free from affectation and hesitation; open-hearted [straightforward; frank] and outspoken; wear one's heart on one's sleeve; What the heart thinks, the tongue speaks.; 口里仁义道德, 心中男盗女娼 Fine words dress ill deeds.; The friar preaches against stealing and has a goose [pudding] in his sleeve.; 口粮 grain ration; provisions; 口伶齿俐 have a nimble tongue; fluent of speech; gifted with a quick tongue; 口令 word of command; word; command; shibboleth; password; watchword; countersign; shibboleth; 口蜜腹剑 play a double game; a cruel heart under the cover of sugar-coated words; A honey tongue, a heart of gall.; A man may smile and smile and be a villain.; a mouth that praises and a hand that kills; give sb. sweet talk when there's hatred in the heart; have honey on one's lips and murder in one's heart; honey in mouth, dagger in heart; 口蘑 a kind of dried mushroom (from Zhangjiakou 张家口); 口沫 mouth foam; 口器 mouthparts (of an insect); instrumenta cibaria; partes oris; trophi; 口气 tone; note; what is actually meant; implication; manner of speaking; 口腔 {生理} oral cavity; buccal cavity; mouth cavity; mouth; 口腔科 department of stomatology; 口腔学 stomatology; 口琴 mouth organ; harmonica; 口轻 not salty; be fond of food that is not salty; young; 口若悬河 One's mouth is like a tumbling river — talk rapidly.; A great talker made a torrent of words.; be eloquent; have a great flow of speech; let loose a flood of eloquence; One's eloquence may be compared to a fastflowing stream.; One's talk flows like a cataract, in a never-ending stream.; One's words pour forth like a rushing river.; speak incessantly like a stream; talk as continuously as flowing water; talk glibly; talk (on and on) in a flow of eloquence; utter a torrent of words; 口哨儿 whistling sound through rounded lips; 口舌 quarrel; dispute; exchange of words; talking round; words; talking; 口实 a cause for gossip; handle; 口是心非 say yes and mean no; affirm with one's lips but deny in one's heart; be double-faced; consent outwardly but disagree inwardly; have two faces; outwardly agree but inwardly disagree; play a double game; carry fire in one hand and water in the other; say sth. with one's tongue in one's cheek; cry with eye and laugh with another; say one thing and mean another; the mouth specious and the mind perverse; Though one speaks well, one's heart is false.; 口试 oral examination; oral test; oral quiz; 口授 oral instruction; pass on (sth.) through oral instruction; dictate; 口述 dictate; oral account; nuncupate; 口水 slaver; saliva; slobber; 口说无凭 Words alone are no proof.; An oral [verbal] promise is rather dubious [not enough].; Oral expressions [words] cannot be taken as evidence.; Verbal statements are not guarantee.; Word of mouth cannot be trusted.; Words don't carry conviction.; 口算 chant out the result while doing the sums in one's head; 口蹄疫 {兽} foot-and-mouth disease; aphtha; aptha; aftosa; 口条 pig's or ox's tongue (as food); 口头 oral; verbal; in words; in speech; on one's lips; verbal; 口头禅 pet phrase; lip-service; shibboleth; commonplace sayings; conventional expressions; common saying; cliché; cant; 口头协议 verbal agreement; 口头之交 a friendship which is outward and of the mouth; 口吐狂言 talk wildly; cheek up; talk nonsense; 口味 the flavour or taste of food; a person's taste; 口吻 muzzle; snout; tone; note; 口误 a slip of the tongue; error in speaking; 口香糖 chewing gum; bubble gum; 口心如一 What one says is indeed what one thinks.; One means what one says.; 口信 oral message; message; word; 口型 the shape of a mouth when a person is speaking or pronouncing a certain sound; 口形 {语} degree of lip-rounding; 口血未干 The blood of the mouth is not yet dried — breaking an oath almost before it is made.; A promise has been scarcely made.; 口炎 {医} stomatitis; thrush; 口眼歪(蜗)斜 {中医} facial paralysis; 口译 oral interpretation; interpret; interpreter; 口音 {语} oral speech sounds; 口音 voice; accent; 口语 colloquial language; collo ̄ quialism; spoken language; [书] slandering words [remarks]; slander; 口语能力测试 test of spoken English; 口燥唇干 Lips are dry and mouth is parched.; talk one's tongue dry; 口占一绝 repeat a verse just composed; dictate a stanza of four lines; 口罩 breathing mask; mask; gauze mask (worn over nose and mouth); 口重 salty; be fond of salty food; 口诛笔伐 condemn [lash out at] both in speech and in writing; condemn both by word of mouth and in writing;condemn by speech and in writing; denounce both by spoken word and writing; denounce by tongue and pen; 口子 opening; hole; cut; tear |