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单词 knot
knot/nɒt, AmE nɑ:t/ n;v [-tt-;-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)(绳等)结(joined or folded part in ropewoolhairetc)[C]:a secure~一个结实的结;tie two ropes together with a~打一个结把两条绳子系在一起;make a~打个结;undo the~in this string 解开这个绳结;get~s in one's hair 在自己头发上扎蝴蝶结;untie the marriage~(fig) 解除婚姻关系;~s of flowers 花结;〖同〗twist,thread,ornament,star;

(2)木结节,节疤(lump in wood at the join between a branch and the trunk)[C]:The wood was full of~s. 这块木头上到处是结疤。

(3)小群(簇)(small crowd)[C]:a~of people/spectators/friends 一小群人 /旁观者/朋友;

(4)(航海)节(海里/小时)(measure of speed for ships)[C]:sail at 15~s 以15节的航速行驶;

→′knotty adj 多结的;有结的;棘手的;′knot-hole n 木板上的节孔;

v(使)打(编)结((cause to)tie or fasten in or with a knot)[IT+nT+n+adv]:Her hair~s easily. 她的头发很容易编结。have a scarf~ted round one's neck 自己脖子上围一条围巾;~one's hair with a ribbon 用一条丝带把头发打个结;~the ropes together/sb's sandal cords tighter 把两条绳子系在一起/系紧某人的凉鞋带





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