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单词 knit
knit/nɪt/ v [-tt-;-ed,-ed/ ɪd/or knit,knit

(1)编(针)织(make(a garmentfabricetc,)by joining circles of ringeither by hand with knitting needles or by machine)[IT+nD+n+nD+n+prep(for)]:~and sew编织与缝纫;~a sweater 织一件套衫;~oneself a cardigan/sb a pullover for Christmas 为自己织一件开身毛衣/为某人织一件过圣诞节穿的套衫;〖同〗weave,twist,stitch;

(2)织平针(knit with a plainforward stitch)[IT+n]:~and purl 织平针和反针;~one,purl two 一针平针,两针反针;~to the fifteen stitches 织15针平针;

(3)(使)紧密(牢固)地结合((cause to)join closely and firmly togetheras members or parts)[II+adv(together),T+nT+n+adv(together)]:take a long time to~花很长时间去结合;~bricks together 砌砖;Love~ted the family together. 爱使一家人心心相印。be~ted together by common interests 因共同利益而结合在一起;a well-~frame/closely-~composition 结实的体格/紧凑的作文;

knit one's brows 皱眉头: He~ted his brows in contemplation. 他皱着眉头沉思。

→′knitter n 针织工;编织机;′knitting n 编织物;′knitting-machine n 编(针)织机;′knitting needle n 编织针;′knitwear n 针织品





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