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单词 取精用弘

取精用弘取精用宏qǔ jīng yòng hóng

absorb the quintessence from the copious material one has gathered; select the finest from a vast quantity
❍ 他们~,编成了一本非常有用的词典。They absorbed the quintessence from the copious material they had gathered and compiled a very useful dictionary.
❍ 郑虽无腆,抑谚日蕞尔国,而三世执其政柄,其用物也弘矣,其取精也多矣。(《左传·昭七年》) Although Zheng be not great,and in fact,as the saying is,an insignificant state,yet belonging to a family which had held for three generations the handle of government,his use of things had been extensive,the subtle essences which he had imbibed had been many.

取精用弘qu jing yong hong

select the finest from a vast quantity

取精用弘弘(宏)qǔ jīnɡ yònɡ hónɡ

精:精华;用:享受;宏:大。形容从大量的材料中吸取精华部分。take what is wanted from a collection, select the finest from a vast quantity





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