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单词 kiss
kiss/kɪs/ v [-es/ ɪz/]; n [-es/ ɪz/]

v (1)吻(touch with the lipsesp as a sign of affection or love)[IT+nT+n+prep]:The lovers~ed passionately. 这对情人热烈地接吻。~and say good-bye吻别;~sb warmly/fondly/goodnight 热情地吻某人/深情地吻某人/ 吻某人祝晚安;~sb on the forehead/the lips/the cheek 吻某人的额/唇/颊;~(the) hands (BrE) 吻君王的手(一种礼节);

(2)轻拂(触)(touch gently)[T+n]:The wind~ed the trees.风轻拂树木。The sun~ed the flowers.阳光温柔地照耀着花朵。

kiss sth goodbye/kiss goodbye to sth(sl)听任失去:~goodbye to a contract 丧失签订合同的希望;

kiss away(v adv)吻掉(vt):Let me~away your tears. 让我来吻掉你的眼泪吧。

n 吻(act of kissing)[C]:a farewell/a maternal/a smacking~告别/母亲/出声的吻;exchange~es 互相亲吻;throw sb a~给某人一个飞吻;give sb an affectionate~给某人一个热吻;blow a~at/to sb 给某人一个飞吻;

the kiss of death(infml)致命之吻:Everyone hates Jack so much that his approval of the plan will give it the~of death.人人都痛恨杰克,因而他赞成那项计划反而会把计划葬送。

the kiss of life 口对口人工呼吸:try to revive sb with the~of life 用口对口的人工呼吸设法使某人苏醒;

→′kissable adj 诱人要吻的;′kisser (sl) n





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