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单词 key
key1/ki: / n & adj

n (1)钥匙(shaped metal device used to open or close a lockwind a clockstart or stop a car engineetc)[C]:a door/car~门/汽车钥匙;an ignition~ 点火开关钥匙;the~to the front door 前门钥匙;have a~cut/made to fit a lock 给锁配一把钥匙;put/turn the~in the lock 把钥匙塞进锁孔/转动钥匙;〖同〗opener,passkey;

(2)转柄(shaped device used for turning a part in a machineetc)[C]:a~to open this valve/turn off the central heating 打开这个阀门/关闭集中供暖装置的开关;a~for winding the clock 给这个钟上弦的钥匙;

(3)键(button that one presses to make an instrument or machine work)[C]:the~s of a piano/a typewriter 钢琴/打字机键;a row of black and white~s 一排黑白琴键;

(4)音调,主音(chief note of a piece of music)[C]:the~of D D调;a symphony in the ~of C minor 一首C小调交响曲;a sonata in the ~of E flat minor 一首降E小调奏鸣曲;sing in a low~低调吟唱;~signature 乐谱的调号;〖同〗scale,mode;

(5)基调,调子(mood or characteristic style as of expression or thought)[C]:all in the same~千篇一律;report the event/treat this whole affair in a low~以低调报告事件/对待这个事情;

(6) 关键,要诀(thing that explains sth or provides an answer or solution)[C,通常sing] [N(to)]:the~to the problem/murder/an improvement of their living conditions 问题/谋杀案/他们生活条件改善的关键;the~to one's success or failure 决定某人成败的关键;The Bosporus is the~to the Black Sea. 博斯普鲁斯海峡是黑海的咽喉。~money (房租之外的)小费;

(7) 解题,解答,图例说明(answers to exercisesproblems or question)[C]:a~for the use of teachers only/to the grammar exercises 专供教师用的题解/语法练习答案;a book of English tests,complete with~附题解的英语测试题;the~to a puzzle 谜底;provide the~to the mystery 提供谜底;The~on the map explains the meanings of the different colours,lines,etc.地图上的图例说明了不同颜色、线条等的意义。〖同〗solution,explanation,answer;

→′keyboard n 键盘; v 操作键盘;(操纵键盘)将资料输入计算机;′keyboarder n 操纵计算机键盘的人;′keyhole n 锁眼;钥匙孔;′keynote n 基调;主音;′keypad n 小型键盘;′key-ring n 钥匙环(圈);′keystone n 拱顶石;根本;关键;

adj 关键性的,极重要的(chiefmajorimportant or essential)[作attrib]:a~position/industry/man 险要位置/主要工业/关键性人物;a~battle in the war/issue in the forthcoming election 战争中的重要一役/即将来临的选举中的关键性问题;the~word of a sentence 句子中的关键词





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