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单词 area
area/′eəriə, AmE ′er-/ n

(1)地方(particular part of a space or surface)[C]:clean the~under the table/round the cooker/behind the ear 清洁桌子下面/炉灶周围/耳朵后面的地方;a pink~on the front of his thighs 他大腿前部一块粉红色的地方;

(2)地区(域、带)(particular part or division of the earth's surface)[C]:mountainous/farming/dry/uninhabited/desert/famine/marshy ~s 山区/农业地区/干旱地区/无人居住区/荒凉地区/饥荒地区/沼泽地;Do you live in this~? 你住在这一地区吗?all~s of Great Britain 大不列颠各地区;the New York~纽约地区;The~of the sea between France and England is called the English Channel.英法间的海域叫英吉利海峡。~code (AmE)地区电话代码;〖同〗region,section,district,territory;

(3)地块(段)(particular space reserved for a particular activity)[C]:an outdoor play~户外游戏区;a communal washing/picnic/reception/landing~公共洗涤/野餐/接待/降落区;the business~of a town 城镇的商业区;the~of training/development 集训地/开发区;

(4)面积(extent or size of a flat surface measured by multiplying the length by the width)[UC]:The island is 10 square miles in~.(The island covers (has) an~of 10 square miles./The~of the island is 10 square miles.)这个岛的面积为10平方英里。the~of a triangle 一个三角形的面积;occupy a large~of an island 占据一个岛的很大面积;〖同〗extent,stretch,space;

(5)领域,方面(subject or special field of ideasinterestknowledge or activity)[C]:the~of finance/language teaching/science/arts 金融/语言教学/科学/艺术领域;the whole~of science 整个科学领域;the~s of disagreement/dispute 意见分歧/争论之点;I have little experience in this~.在这方面我毫无经验。Her interest lies in the~of literature.她的兴趣在于文学。His work lies in the~of youth care.她做关怀青年的工作。〖同〗field,realm,sphere





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