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单词 反复无常

反复无常翻覆无常fǎn fù wú cháng

chop and change; be never of the same mind two days running; blow hot and cold; capricious; chamleonic;change one’s mind constantly (/frequently);changeable; double-minded; erratic; everchanging;fickle; fickle-minded;flighty; fitified; inconsistent;inconstant; moonish; mutable; [of temperament]mercurial; play fast and loose with; unreliable;vagarious; variable; volatile; wanton; wayward;whimsical
❍ 操曰:“袁谭小子,~,吾难准信。……”(《三国演义》292)“He is nothing but a fickle-minded child,”said Cao.“He is never of the same mind two days running and I can not depend upon what he says.…”/这种人~,留下来未必可靠,万一回不来,也不可惜。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—228) Such people are unreliable,not to be trusted,so even if he fails to come back it won’t be much loss.


be changeable;be fickle;be capricious;be inconsistent; play fast and loose; back and forth
~的气候changeable climate;fickle weather/~的人capricious person

反复无常fǎn fù wú chánɡ

颠来倒去,变化不定。as fickle as fortune, play fast and loose, changeable, chop and change, blow hot and cold, behave capriciously





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