Ⅰ ❶ (方向相背) reverse side:适得其 ~ get just the opposite
❷ (造反) rebellion:谋 ~ attempt rebellion
❸ (指反革命、反动派) counterrevolu ̄ tionaries;reactionaries:肃 ~ elimination of counterre ̄volutionaries Ⅱ ❶ (转换;翻过来) turn over:易如 ~ 掌 as easy as turning one's hand over;~ 败为胜 turn failure to success
❷ (回;还) return;counter:~ 问 counter with a question
❸ (反抗;反对) oppose;combat;turn against:~ 霸权主义 oppose hegemonism;anti- hegemonism;~ 战 be against war;~ 法西斯斗争 anti-fascist struggle;struggle against fascism;~ 间谍 counterespionage;
颠覆与 ~ 颠覆 subversion and anti-subversion
❹ (背叛) rebel;revolt:~ 叛 rebel Ⅲ (相反的) opposite;contrary;reversed:穿 ~ 了袜子 have one's socks on inside out;
适得其 ~。The result is just the contrary. Ⅳ ❶(反而;相反地) on the contrary;instead:~ 不如前一段写得好 on the contrary,it is worse than the last paragraph;~ 把事情弄僵了 instead the matter got worse
❷ (从反面) back:~ 顾 look back upon past or own mistake
另见 see also bǎn;fān;fàn。
◆反霸 oppose local despots;oppose hegemonism;
反白口 inverted chill;
反败为胜 turn the tide [table];come from behind to win;pull out of the fire;snatch a victory out of defeat;turn defeat into victory;turn the battle's tide;
反绑双手 tie sb.'s hands behind his back;
反比 inverse ratio;reciprocal;
反比例 inverse proportion;inverse ratio;reciprocal ratio;
反闭锁 backlocking;
反变 contravariant;contravariance;reversal;
反宾为主 reverse the positions of host and guest;override sb.'s privileges [rights] as host;
反剥削 oppose exploitation;
反驳 refute;confute;retort;rebut;counterplea;disproof;refutation;contradict;
反补偿 counter-bonification;
反补贴税,反倾销税 antisubsidy duties;countervailing levy;countervailing duty;
反不正当竞争法 the law on prevention of unfair competition;
反蚕食 struggle against the “nibbling ” campaign;
反差 contrast;definition;contrast grade;
反常 unusual;abnormal;perverse;strange;paradoxical;abnormality;anomaly;acatastasia;abnor ̄malism;
反潮流 go [row;swim] against the tide;countertrend;
反衬 set off by contrast;serve as a foil to;
反冲 {物} recoil;kick-back;backswing;backlash;bounce-back;
反冲锋 counter-attack;
反刍 ruminate;chew the cud;regurgitation;rumination;merycismus;
反刍草 purple cudweed;
反传统文化 counterculture;
反传统艺术 anti-art;
反串 (of actor) play not one's customary role;
反垂足曲线 antipedal curve;
反唇相稽 turn against another in mutual recrimination;
反唇相讥 answer back sarcastically;answer with sarcastic rebuttal;bicker with each other;dispute with each other;do back-chat;pay in the same coin and hold sb. up to ridicule;retort like for like [sarcasm for sarcasm;ridicule for ridicule];throw back an insinuation;say sth. in retort;
反磁场 counter magnetic field;
反弹道导弹 antiballistic missile (ABM);
反党 anti-Party;
反导弹 countermissile;antimissile;contra missile;missile interceptor missile;missile defence missile;
反倒 on the contrary;instead;
反登陆 anti-amphibious operation;
反帝 anti-imperialist;against imperialism;
反帝反霸 combat [struggle against] imperialism and hegemonism;
反帝反封建革命 anti-imperialist anti-feudal revolution;
反帝反殖 combat [struggle against] imperialism and colonialism;
反帝国主义 anti-imperialism;against imperialism;
反颠覆 counter-subversion;
反动 reactionary; reaction;
反读 {计} backward read;read reverse;
反对 oppose;be opposed to;object to;be against;fight;combat;
反而 on the contrary;instead;but;
反反导弹的导弹 antiantimissile;
反反复复 like the burden of a song;repeatedly;again and again;
反方位 reverse;bearing;
反封建 anti-feudal;anti-feudalism;against feudalism;
反腐败 anti-corruption;fight against corruption;
反复 repeatedly;again and again;time and again;over and over again;reversal;relapse;changeable;fickle;reversal;relapse;
反复辟 anti-restoration;
反复不定 changeable;capricious;
反复较量 repeated trial of strength;
反复无常 play fast [at fast] and loose;be unsteady;blow hot and cold;change like a weather ̄cock;change one's mind constantly;change one's mind frequently;(He) is always chopping and changing.;repeatedly to change one's attitude towards;
反复无信 be unreliable;
反复细读 read ... through and through;
反富集 derichment;
反干扰 counter-jamming;anti-disturbance;anti-interference;defruiting;
反感 be disgusted with;be averse to;dislike;take unkindly to;counter ̄investment;distasteful;repugnant;resentful;
反戈 turn one's weapon around;
反戈一击 turn back to hit those who misled ...;deal a counter-blow;hit back at sb.;turn back to hit;turn one's weapon(s) and smite ...;turn one's weapon around and strike — turn against those one has wrongly sided with;turn round and strike;turn the tables on [upon] sb.;
反革命 counter- revolution;anti-revolution; counterrevolutionary; 反[防]跟踪 antitracking;
反攻 counteroffensive;counter ̄attack;counterblow;
反攻倒算 launch [stage] a vengeful [vindictive] counterattack;counterattack and settle accounts with ...;counter-attack in revenge;counter ̄attack to settle old scores;mount a vengeful counterattack;resort to vengeful counterattacks against ...;riposte and make reprisals;stage one's vengeful counterattack on ...;stage a vengeful counterattack in an attempt to reverse the previous verdicts;
反躬自问 examine oneself;ask oneself;examine one's conscience;examine oneself by self-reflection;examine the question through self-reflection;hold communion with oneself;turn back and ask oneself;
反躬自省 look back at past mistakes one has made;
反古 return to ancient ideas or customs; 反骨毕露 expose one's renegade nature; 反顾 [书] look back;
反光 reflect light;blink;reflection of light;
反过来 conversely;the other way round;in turn;vice versa;
反航港 proper return port;
反核 {核} antinucleus;
反红外导弹 infra-red countermissile;
反华 anti-China;
反话 irony;sarcasm;remark implying a meaning opposite to what it says;
反回 backspace;back-out;
反回港口 put back to port;
反悔 go back on one's word [promise];反火箭导弹 antirocket missile;
反击 strike back;beat back;counterattack;counterfire;
反饥饿游行 hunger march;
反技术 anti-technology;
反剪 with one's hands behind one's back;with one's hands tied behind one's back;tie sb.'s hands together behind his back;
反间谍 counterespionage;
反建议 counter proposal;
反焦点 back focus;
反进化说 antievolution;
反精神发泄 countercathexis;
反精神宣泄 anti-cathexis;
反抗 revolt;resist;react;
反科技 antitechnology;
反科学 antiscience;
反可见光伪装 against visual camouflage;against visible light camouflage;
反客为主 turn from a guest into a host;a guest supplanting the host;gain the initiative;reverse the positions [role] of the host and the guest;
反空袭 counter-airraid;
反恐怖主义者 counterterrorist;
反口相诘 ask in retort;counter with a question;
反馈 {电} feedback;couple back;retroaction;tickling;back feed;recuperation;back-tracking;back coupling;return coupling;
反馈式 reaction type;
反冒进 opposition to a risk policy;opposition to rash advance;
反面 reverse side ;wrong side;back;verso;opposite;negative side;as opposed to positive;(事情、问题等的另一面) opposite;inverse;the other side of the matter;
反面教材 teaching material by negative example;material for teaching by negative example;
反面教员 teacher by negative example;one who sets an example of what not to do;
反面人物 negative character;
反面[脸]无情 turn a cold shoulder;forget sb.'s help or kindness;forget old timers;
反命题 inverse proposition;
反目 fall out (esp. between husband and wife);
反目成仇 quarrel with sb. and then become enemies with each other;fall out and become enemies;
反拍 {体} backhand;
反叛 revolt;insurgence;uprising;insurrection;rebel;
反扑 pounce on sb. again after being beaten off;attack in retaliation;launch a counteroffensive to retrieve lost ground;
反其道而行之 act in a diametrically opposite way;act in contravention;act in opposition to;do exactly the opposite;
反切 {语} a traditional method of indicating the pronunciation of a Chinese character by using two other Chinese characters,the first having the same consonant as the given character and the second having the same vowel (with or without final nasal) and tone;
反窃听 debug;
反倾销 anti-dumping;
反倾销政策 anti-dumping duty policy;
反倾斜 adverse grade;
反清剿 Counter-Campaign against “Clearing-up” and Suppression;
反清乡 struggle against the “Combing- out” Campaign in the countryside;
反求诸己 reflect and try to find fault in oneself;seek the cause in oneself;
反裘负刍 wear a fur coat with the fur next to the skin and carry a load of firewood — not to realize that when the lining of the coat gets worn out,there will be nothing left to support the fur;
反弱为强 convert [turn] weakness into strength;
反“扫荡” repulse [smash] the enemy's “mopping-up” campaign;operations against the enemy's “mopping-up” campaign;
反射 {生} reflex;{物} reflect;reverberate;reverberation;reflection;
反射波 reflected wave;return wave;back wave;echo;
反射光 reverberation;reflected light;catoptric light;
反射镜 speculum;mirror;reflector;
反射面 catopter;reflector;
反射器 dish;reflector;
反射式 reflection-type;reflecting;
反射信号 reflected signal;returning echo;echoed signal;
反射性 reflectivity;
反社会人格 {心} antisocial personality;
反社会行为 anti-social behavior;
反身代词 {语} reflexive pronoun;
反渗透 reverse osmosis;
反时针 inhour;
反时钟 anticlockwise;
反示威 counterdemonstrate;
反手 {体} backhand;
反手可得 get sth. as easily as turning one's hand over;
反守为攻 turn the tables on the attackers;turn the tables on [upon] sb.;
反水 [口] (叛变) turn one's coat;defect;
反水不收 Spilt water can't be gathered up — what is done can't be undone.;Water poured on the ground cannot be recovered.;When water's spilt you can never retrieve it.;
反水雷战 antimine warfare;
反思 self-examination;introspection;rethink profoundly;profound consideration;
反诉 {律} countercharge;counterclaim;
反索赔 counterclaim;
反贪污、反浪费、反官僚主义 struggle against corruption,waste and bureaucracy;
反弹 rebound;
反坦克 antitank;
反特 anti-espionage;
反题 {哲} antithesis;
反跳 bounce;bound;knock-on;impingement;impinging;{电} bounce-back;
反通货膨胀 combat inflation;counter inflation;counteract inflation;fight against inflation;
反危机措施 anti-crisis measures;
反“围剿” combat “encirclement and suppression”;campaign against “encirclement and suppres ̄sion”;反唯理智论 anti-intellectualism;
反为不美 On the contrary it turned out disagreeable.;
反胃 gastric disorder causing nausea;regurgitation;anabole;
反卫星导弹 antisatellite missile;countersatellite missile;
反问 ask (a question) in reply;answer a question with a ques ̄tion;{语} rhetorical question;
反污染 antipollution;
反诬好人 turn back on the innocent;
反现存体制 anti-establishment;
反现实主义 anti-realism;
反响 repercussion;echo;reverberation;resounding;re-echo;reception;
反向 opposite direction;reverse;reversion;change;inverse;inversion;reversal;
反向电流 back current;backward current;reverse current;inverse current;counter current;
反向电压 backward voltage;backswing voltage; inverse voltage;
反向读 back read;
反像 reverted image;image;reflected image;reverse image;perversion;
反小说 anti-novel;
反邪归正 return to orthodoxy;
反省 reflect on oneself;examine one's own conscience;introspection;self-questioning;self-examination;
反修 anti-revisionist;against revisionism;
反修防修 combat and prevent revisionism;
反宣传 counter ̄propaganda;slander campaign;
反压 {医} back pressure;
反焰 back fire;
反咬 invent a charge against sb.;
反咬合 counter bite;cross bite;
反咬一口 make false countercharges;make a false countercharge;shift the blame to sb.;trump up a countercharge against one's accuser;turn around and charge the victim;
反义词 {语} antonym;
反映 reflect;reflex;mirror;report;make known;
反映论 {哲} theory of reflection;
反映同一律 law of refection and identity;
反应 reaction;response;repercussion;
反应堆 {物化} pile;reactor;
反应型精神病 reactive psychosis;
反犹太主义 anti-semitism;
反游击战 anti-guerrilla [counter-guerrilla] warfare;
反右倾 struggle against Right deviations;
反语 {语} irony;antiphrasis;
反语症 enantiolalia;
反掌可得 get ... like turning a hand — very easy;
反照 reflection of light;
反正比 back-to-front ratio;
反证 disproof;counter ̄evidence;give [furnish] counterevidence;
反正 anyway;anyhow;all the same;in any case;
反之 conversely;on the contrary;otherwise;
反殖(民主义) anti-colonial ̄ism;against colonialism;
反智主义 anti-intellectual ̄ism;
反治 {中医} treatment by reverse process,e.g. administering medicine of a hot nature to treat a pseudofebrile disease;contrary treatment;
反种族歧视 antiracism;
反周期 counter-cyclical;antiperiodic;
反洲际弹道 anti-ICBM;
反转 counter revolution;back-draught;back run;reversal;reverse turn;{航} countrarotation; reversement; reflexotation; turn-back; roll back;kick back;reverse;
反装甲车导弹 antiarmored-fighting-vehicle missile;
反装甲导弹 antimechanized missile;
反佐 {中医} using corrigent;
反作用 retroaction;bucking;counterreflect;reaction;counteract;counteraction;counterpressure;back action;reacting;
反坐 {律} sentence the accuser to the punishment facing the person he falsely accused
[书] (赎卖) traffic;peddle;sell
另见 see also bǎn;fān;fǎn。