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单词 justify
justify/′dʒ ʌstɪfaɪ/ vt [-yies/z/;-yied,-yied/d/]

(1)证明……为正确(当,义等)(prove or show sb or sth to be right)[T+nT+ing]:~oneself for one's conduct 为自己的行为辩护;~the action of the government/sb's request for more money 证明政府的行为/某人需要更多资金的请求是正确的;hardly~such conduct/expense 几乎无法证明此种行为/花费是正当的; Such behaviour cannot be~ied. 难以证明这种行为是正当的。can't~neglecting one's wife/spending so much money 不能说明忽视妻子/花费这么多钱是正确的;difficult to~one's son's giving up a secure well-paid job 很难说明自己的儿子放弃一份有保障的高薪工作是正确的;〖同〗prove right,show to be just;

(2)为正当理由(be a good reason or excuse for)[T+nT+ing]:~an increase in wages 有充足的理由提高工资;Nothing can~such behaviour/rudeness. 如此的举止/粗鲁是毫无理由的。You were perfectly~ied in doing it.你完全有理由这样做。can't~changing the normal method of work/sb's treating staff this way 无法对改变正常的工作方法提出正当理由/不能成为某人以这种方式对待员工的理由;〖同〗support,confirm,sustain,defend;

(3)(印刷)使齐行,整理……的版面(make (a line of type) a desired length by spacing it so that full lines have even margins)[T+n]:a~ied text 整理过版面的课文;

← just adj 公正的;正当的;

→͵justi′fiable adj 可证明为正当的,可辩护的;͵justi′fiably adv 有理由地;͵justifi-′cation n 证明为正当,正当的理由;′justified adj 有理由的





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