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❶ (两个) two; twin; both; dual: ~ 发动机飞机 twin-engined plane; ~ 向交通 two-way traffic; 成对成 ~ in pairs
❷ (偶数的) even: ~ 号座位 even-numbered seats; ~ 数 even numbers
❸ (加倍的) double; twofold: ~ 份 double the amount; twice as much Ⅱ (用于成对的东西) pair: 一 ~ 筷子 a pair of chopsticks; 一 ~ 鞋 a pair of shoes Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 福 Shuang Fu
◆双胞胎 twins;
双倍 gemination; double;
双边 bilateral; doubling peice;
双宾语 {语} double-objects;
双波段 two waveband; dual range;
双层 double-deck; having two layers; bilayer; of two thicknesses;
双车道 dual-lane; two-lane; double lane;
双重 double; dual; twofold; duplicato-;双重国籍 dual nationality; 双重性 dual nature; duplicity;
双打 {体} doubles;
双耳刀 “阝”, one of the Chinese character components;
双方 both sides; the two parties; dyad; mutual;
双峰驼 {动} two-humped camel; Bactrian camel;
双幅 double width;
双杠 parallel bars; horizon bars;
双宫绸 doupioni; douppioni; doupion silk; doupion;
双宫丝 doupioni; douppioni; doupion; doupion silk; doppione;
双股 two-ply; bifilar;
双关 a word or phrase with double meaning;
双关语 pun; equivoque; expression with double meaning;
双管 double-barrelled;
双管齐下 paint a picture with two brushes at the same time — work along both lines; do two things at the same time; do both things simultaneously; do both things at one and the same time; do two things at the same time in order to achieve one's aim; work both ways; (bring pressure to bear upon sb.) by means of...and...; pincer(s) drive; used at one and the same time; double-barreled;
双轨 {交} double track; two-way; dual;
双轨制 double-track pricing system (the co-existence of state fixed price and the market price);
双号 even numbers (of tickets, seats, etc.);
双铧犁 double plow; two-bottom plow; double-bladed plough;
双滑轮 sister block;
双簧 {曲艺} a two-man act, with one speaking or singing while hiding behind the other who does the acting; a two-man comic show;
双簧管 oboe; hautboy; hautbois;
双极 dipole;
双季稻 double cropping of rice; double harvest rice;
双交 {农} double cross;
双联 {电子} duplex;
双料 of reinforced material; extra quality;
双列 biserial;
双流 {讯} double-current; double flow;
双轮 {体} double round;
双密盘 double density; 双面 two-sided; double-edged; double-faced; reversible;
双名 {分类} binomial; binomen;
双目望远镜 {光} binocular;
双抢 rush-harvesting and rush-planting;
双亲 (both) parents; father and mother;
双球菌 diplococcus; diplococci;
双曲面 {数} double curved surface; hyperboloid;
双曲线 {数} hyperbola; hyperbolic curve;
双全 complete in both respects; possessing both;
双人床 double bed;
双人房间 double room; double;
双人舞 dance for two people; pas de deux;
双日 even-numbered days (of the month);
双色 {纺} two-tone;
双身子 [口] pregnant woman;
双声 {语} a phrase consisting of two or more characters with the same initial consonant; alliteration;
双声道 {工声} dual track;
双生 twin; twinning;
双手 both hands;
双束 two-beam;
双数 even numbers;
双双 in pairs; in twos; in couples;
双胎 twins;
双糖 disaccharide;
双体 binary;
双体船 catamaran;
双天线 double antenna; twin antenna;
双通道 binary channels; two-channel; two-path;
双筒 binocular;
双位 dibit;
双喜 double happiness;
双喜临门 Two happy events come one after the other.; Two happy events come at the same time.; A double blessing has descend ̄ed upon the house.; Good things come in pairs; have simultaneously two happy events in a family;
双下巴 double chin;
双线 diplonema; duplet; doublet;
双线圈 twin coil;
双向选择 two-way selecting [choose]; bilateral selecting; 双响 a firecracker which goes off twice; double-bang firecracker;
双向 two- way;
双信号 dual signal;
双星 {天} double star; binary star;
双姓 compound surname; two-syllable surname;
双休日 two days of rest; two rest days; 双眼 binoculus;
双氧水 hydrogen peroxide solution; oxydol;
双翼飞机 biplane;
双翼机 biplane;
双音 double tone;
双鱼座 Pisces;
双语教学 bilingual education;
双语数据库 bilingual data base; 双元音 {语} diphthong;
双月刊 bimonthly;
双职工 man and wife both at work; working couple; employed couple;
双周刊 biweekly; fortnightly;
双轴 biax; double-shaft; dual spindle;
双绉 elephant crepe; crepe de Chine;
双柱 queen post;
双锥 bipyramid;
双子星座 Gemini;
双子叶植物 dicotyledon;
双子座 {天} Gemini;
双足 biped;
双座 two-seater; double-seater;
双运行方式 dual mode





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