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单词 及时行乐

及时行乐jí shí xíng lè

enjoy oneself (/make merry) while one can; enjoy life while one is young;enjoy pleasure in good time
❍ 你的危言诤论,并不能叫小杜居安思危,反使得他决心去~,今夕有酒今夕醉!(茅盾《子夜》269)All your preaching and theorizing runs off Du Xintuo like water off a duck’s back—it just makes him all the more determined to enjoy himself while he can. “Tonight we have wine,so tonight we get drunk!”/才子佳人,正宜~,先生怎反如此说?(《儒林外史》352) A brilliant scholar and a beautiful girl!…We should enjoy ourselves while we are young. I fail to understand your attitude,sir.

及时行乐jí shí xínɡ lè

及时:抓紧时机。指抓紧时机,寻欢作乐。enjoy pleasure in good time, enjoy oneself while one can, make merry while one can





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